
Welcome to Project Esky!

Project Esky aims to be the OpenSource, software companion to allow developing with the Deck X/North Star Display system out of the box! (Utilizing the Intel Realsense t265/1 or a ZED system)

For setup and more info please look here:

Esky (With the exception of the V1 rendering integration) is licenced under MIT. While I don't really care where and how you use this software, with great power comes great responsibility. Using this software comes with one condition, that you please use the following bibtex citation:

@inbook{10.1145/3411763.3451804, author = {Rompapas, Damien and Rodda, Charlton and Brown, Bryan Christopher and Zerkin, Noah Benjamin and Cassinelli, Alvaro}, title = {Project Esky: An Open Source Software Framework for High Fidelity Extended Reality}, year = {2021}, isbn = {9781450380959}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, articleno = {365}, numpages = {6} }

If you're looking to contribute, feel free to fork! Finally, I always welcome requests for help/collaborations, especially if you're building fun shit! Seek me out :D