React Geolocation HOC

This is a small HOC that injects browser geolocation into the child component.



npm install @hypersprite/react-geolocation-hoc --save


import ExtGeolocation from '@hypersprite/react-geolocation-hoc';

In Practice

my-map.js user created file imports ExtGeolocation

const MyMap = (props) => {
  const { lat, lng, geolocation, timestamp } = props;
  /** ... all your other component code
  * use the props as you see fit

export default ExtGeolocation(MyMap);

Then from your view file

Uses default lat/lng and asks for permission and allows for browser geolocation

<MyMap />

Assigns props as default lat/lng and asks for permission and allows for browser geolocation


Assigns props as default lat/lng and does NOT ask for premission, disables browser geolocation



use npm run <script>

  • lint - runs linter
  • test - runs test
  • test:dev - runs test in watch mode
  • build - runs build
  • build:dev - runs build in watch mode

npm version <major | minor | patch>


Receives Props

prop name type values description
lat Number Latitudes Optional if default needed
lng Number Longitude Optional if default needed
noGeolocation Boolean true or false* true === geolocation is disabled, will not ask

noGeolocation can be used with a pre-dialog box asking if they want to enable geolocaton, this way they can say no to you and not set disabled in the browser, giving you the opportunity to ask the next time. See this Google recommendation for more information.

New Passed Props

prop name type values description
lat Number Latitudes Can pass default props or user location
lng Number Longitude Can pass default props or user location
geolocation Boolean true or false* true: geolocation allowed, false, geolocation blocked
timestamp Number Unix time in seconds
refreshLocation function