
It can be Run and Used for Free with limitations of the trial keys.

## Installation Requirements

  1. Internet connection
  2. Python (with Thonny 4.1.2 ): Recommended: Thonny is a simplified python editor from That will also install Python if you don't have it.
  3. OpenAI API Key
  4. Eleven Labs API Key

## Quickest way To Install and Run on Windows:

Step 1: Create the working directory/folder Create a folder on your Desktop with name: Talk-To-ChatGPT**

Step 2: These are all 5 initial files for the project to run Download the files chatbot1.txt, elabapikey.txt, openaiapikey2.txt, requirements.txt and

Step 3: Open Command Prompt cmd

Step 4: Change the working directory/folder cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\

Step 5: Create a virtual environment called "Talk-To-ChatGPT" for the project python -m venv Talk-To-ChatGPT

Step 6: Change directory to "Talk-To-ChatGPT" and Activate the created virtual environment cd Talk-To-ChatGPT && Scripts\activate

Step 7: Install all requirements for the project into the virtual environment "Talk-To-ChatGPT" pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 8: Replace the text in each of the two files with the API Keys given by ElevenLabs and OpenAI update the content of: elabapikey.txt & openaiapikey2.txt. Save.

Step 9: Run the python script python

Thanks !

More on the YouTube Channel: AIGoldenfinger