
Now Milton, don't be greedy; let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Now Milton, don't be greedy; let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece


Milton is JavaScript object stringifier powered by plugins. Co-worker of Smykowski.


  • Extendable
  • Types (undefined, ±Infinity, NaN, -0)
  • Objects (RegExp, Date, Map and Set)
  • Classes and class instances
  • ANSI colorized output


npm i @hypercubed/milton


import { Milton, pretty, ansiColors } from '@hypercubed/milton';

const milton = new Milton();

const obj = {
  null: null,
  numbers: [
  strings: {
    empty: '',
    string: 'foo',
    multiline: `
  arrays: {
    empty: [],
    array: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]
  nested: { hello: 'hapi' },
  false: false,
  true: true,
  undef: undefined,
  error: new Error('bad'),
  regexp: /.*\n/g,
  symbol: Symbol('Waddams'),
  function: function Yes() { /* noop */ },
  map: new Map([['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']]),
  set: new Set([1, 2, 3]),
  date: new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00'),
  objects: {
    class: Milton,
    instance: milton

const stringified = milton.stringify(obj);


  null: null,
  numbers: [ 3.14159, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, -0, -10000000000000006n ],
  strings: {
    empty: '',
    string: 'foo',
    multiline: '\n    This\n    is\n    multiline\n    '
  arrays: { empty: [ ], array: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] },
  nested: { hello: 'hapi' },
  false: false,
  true: true,
  undef: undefined,
  error: Error: bad,
  regexp: /.*\n/g,
  symbol: Symbol(Waddams),
  function: [ƒ Yes],
  map: Map(2) { key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2' },
  set: Set(3) { 1, 2, 3 },
  date: Sun Dec 17 1995 03:24:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),
  objects: { class: [class: Milton], instance: Milton { } }

add the ansiColors plugin:


const colorized = milton.stringify(obj);

will print:


Milton is an interface for processing JS objects. In Milton we have a concept of plugins and presets. Plugins are functions that define a "replacer" functions. Replacer functions accept each value and returns a stringified result. The value returned by the replacer function replaces the original value in the stringified result. If it returns undefined the property will be removed. If it returns the existing value it will be unchanged. Values returned from one replacer are passed down to the next. Plugins are added using the .add method on a Milton instance. The order of the plugins does matter. Plugins that stringify values should come first, followed by plugins that format the results.

Presets are ordered sets of plugins. You may use a preset using the .use method on a milton instance.

| ........................ stringify ........................... |
        | .................... preset ................... |
        | ... plugin ... |

           +----------+     +----------+     +----------+
Input  --> | Replacer | --> | Replacer | --> | Replacer | --> Output
           +----------+     +----------+     +----------+

Presets and plugins may be used together:



  • json - Produces valid JSON; reproducing, as much as possible, the built-in JSON.stringify.
  • js - Produces valid JS with support for additional types, printed as JS compatible code (for example new Date("1995-12-17T10:24:00.000Z"))
  • pretty - Pretty prints objects and values, similar to the browser's console output or node's util.inspect. Output is neither valid JSON nor valid JS.

(see presets.ts for implementation details)


  • reference - Prints repeated objects as reference pointers
  • ansiColors - Colorizes output based on types.

(see plugins.ts for more)

Writing Plugins and Presets

A plugin is a function that accepts an options object, the root value (the first value passed to the Miltion#stringify method), and a "get" function used for recursion. The plugin should return a replacer function that is called (recursively) on each value in the object.

For example here is very simple plugin that will handle a hypothetical Decimal class:

const decimalPlugin = () => (s: any) => {
  if (s instanceof Decimal) {
    return s.toFloat();
  return s;

It is importrant that the replacer function return the input value if it is unaltered.

(see plugins.ts for more)

Presets are functions that add plugins to a Milton instance in a desiered order. For example:

function myPrettyPrint(_: Milton) {

  _.add(objectDecender, { quoteKeys: false, compact: true });

  _.add(jsonValues, { quote: `'` });

  return _;


Class Milton

new Milton()

Method milton.add(plugin[, options])

add(plugin: Plugin, options?: any) => this
  • plugin - A function that initializes returns a replacer
  • options (optional, default = null) — Configuration for plugin

Method milton.use(preset)

use(preset: Preset, options: any) => this
  • preset - A adds plugins to a milton instance in the desired order

Method milton.stringify(value)

stringify(value: any) => string
  • value - any JS value supported by the plugins

Pass the value throuhgt the added replacers.


type Replacer = (s: any, p: Path, value: any) => any ;


type Plugin = (options: any, root: any, get: StringifyFunction) => Replacer;


type Preset = (milton: Milton) => Milton;


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details