Hyperledger Challenge 2022

View the Rendered website at Hyperledger Challenge 2022.

Signing up as a Champion/SME/Mentor?

Add a markdown file with the name YYYY-MM-DD-name.markdown in the appropriate directory. For instance, if you would like to signup as a mentor, the folder to choose would be 2022_mentors/_posts.

layout: 2022_default
modal-id: 6
img: [JPG image name that you uploaded]
thumbnail: [JPG image name that you uploaded]
topic: Hyperledger Sawtooth Mentor

Refer to existing example in order in case of doubts. Best folder to check it out would be 2022_organizers/_posts.

Please upload your photos in the css/2022_style/img/team/ folder.

Raise a PR to this repository, remember to sign-off your commits, otherwise it will not be merged.