
The 8-bit music sequencer written in GML

Primary LanguageGame Maker LanguageMIT LicenseMIT


8Tone Logo

The 8-bit music sequencer written in GML

What is 8Tones?

8Tones is a psudo 8-bit music sequencer (similar to Famitracker) written by @HypernovaTX back around 2015-2016 with Game Maker Studio 1.4 (GML). Initially it was a music maker made for Windows Phone 8.1, I also ported the application to both iOS and Android due to demand. Like Famitracker, it is a sequence tracker that produces 8-Bit music. Unlike true NES 8-bit (2A03)*, I coded this in 5 channels:

  • 12.5% square
  • 25% square wave
  • 50% square wave
  • Triangle wave
  • Beat channel (consts of pre-made noise/DPCM beats)

* 2A03 is consist of: 2 square channels, 1 triangle channel, 1 noise channel, and 1 DPCM channel

In addition, this application also produces TXT file that can be imported to Famitracker (2A03 with MM5 expansion).


Main sequencing screen Piano roll Main sequencing UI details Piano roll UI details

Video Demonstration

What happened to the application?

I finished the project in August 2016 but looking to add more features to it. Unfortunately in 2018, I have to cancel this project due to the following reasons:

  • Game Maker's run time is highly inefficient, which result in latencies like timing and audio sample
  • Microsoft discontinued Windows Mobile platform
  • Yoyo Games no longer makes update for Game Maker Studio 1.4. Therefore Google Play and Apple iTunes Connect won't accepting these anymore since GMS 1.4 can only take older SDKs
  • Financial hardships to maintain a server and acquire Game Maker Studio 2 Please understand that my codes were nowhere as good as it is back then compared to now, you will expect spaghetti code on this. However, I have plans to create a spiritual successor of this project in Javascript.

Can I continue this project?

You are welcome to use continue this project as long as my name is being credited as the original author.

Online implementations guide:

What do I need?
  • A server that allows external POST requests (I don't recommend free hosting services like Byethost since they blocks it)
  • It is best to run it with the latest version of PHP and MySQL/MariaDB (As for September 2020)
How to set up the server connection?
  1. In the GMX file, go to o_online_loader > Create Event > INIT Code and change the 2 variables:
BASEURL = "https://TheServerURL.toconnect";
salt = "PUT SALT HERE";
  1. Start a server and create a database and a user that has read/write privileges.
  2. Create a table based on this query:
  `map` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `name` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `author` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `id` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `time_stamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  KEY `id` (`id`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `map` (`map`)
  1. Upload all of the PHP files to the server's root public_html directory.
  2. Make sure to update all of SQL database connection settings in the first line for each of the PHP files:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","DB_USER","DB_USER_PASSWORD","DATABASE");

NOTE: Special thanks to Zack Banack for helping me on the backend PHP and MySQL.