
Firetube provides a clean, easier way to organize Youtube Playlists. Log in to your Google account and start searching for your favorite recipes, music, and game videos the way you want.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Welcome Page

About the App

Development Status: Paused

Firetube provides a clean, easier way to organize Youtube Playlists. Log in to your Google account and start searching for your favorite recipes, music, and game videos the way you want.

Table of Contents


Welcome Page Choose Account Navigation View
Welcome Page Choose Account Navigation View
Playlists Playlist Videos Uploads
Playlist Playlist Video Uploads
Youtube Player Settings Dark Theme & Language
Youtube Player Settings Dark Theme
Tablet Portrait Tablet Landscape
Tablet Portrait Tablet Landscape


  • Authentication
    • Firebase Authentication
    • Google Log In
    • Shared Credential with Youtube
  • Youtube Uploads
    • SQLite Local DB
    • Pagination
    • Adaptable Tablet View
    • Search
    • Refresh
  • Youtube Playlists
    • SQLite Local DB
    • Pagination
    • Adaptable Tablet View
    • Search
    • Refresh
    • Sort Ascending
    • Sort Descending
  • Youtube Playlist Videos
    • SQLite Local DB
    • Pagination
    • Adaptable Tablet View
    • Video Details & Comments
    • Search
    • Refresh
    • Sort Ascending
    • Sort Descending
  • Watch Videos
    • In-App Player
    • Youtube Player
  • Settings Page
    • Logout
    • Light, Dark, System Themes
    • Localization Support
      • English
      • Korean
    • Playlist Search Tag
    • Watch Videos in Youtube App
    • Privacy Policy
    • Terms & Conditions


  • Youtube Data API

    • Queries have limited support operations
    • Default quota allocation of 10,000 units per day
    • Playlist() and PlaylistItems() don't support pre-ordering queries
    • Search() by order returns inaccurate results
  • YouTube Player API

    • Hasn't been updated since October 2015 (excluding terms)
    • YouTubePlayerView class needs to be extended from YouTubeBaseActivity
    • YouTubePlayerSupportFragment() can't be casted to AndroidX Fragment()


The libraries and tools used include:


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