Hi there, I'm H 👋

  • âš¡ I am a Full Stack Developer based in Portland, OR
  • 🔭 I earned a B.S. in Software Engineering Tech in 2021
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning web development
  • 📖 This is my off-work account (mostly for private game servers, freelance, and personal projects)

Languages and Tools:


Vue.js   React.js   JavaScript   TypeScript   HTML   CSS   Tailwind   Headless UI   shadcn/ui   Radix UI   Material Design   Chakra UI


C   C++   C#   Python   Node.js   Android Studio   Java   Kotlin   Flutter   TensorFlow   Linux   QT   Docker   git

Databases & Cloud & CMS

Google Cloud   Firebase   Amazon Web Services   SQLite   MySQL   PostgresSQL   Django   Strapi   Sanity   Vercel

Design Tools

Photoshop   Lightroom   Premiere   Figma