Official Code of TESTAM: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TESTAM: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts

This is an official Pytorch implementation of TESTAM in the following paper: TESTAM: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts, ICLR 2024.


Here we describe the changes in official TESTAM code. (Ongoing updates)

  • Revision of gating mechanism and meta node bank for multivariate spatio-temporal data
  • Additional implementation of experts -- CNN-based spatial modeling, Graph Attention, etc.
  • Providing processed (and also merged) version of EXPY-TKY dataset (original dataset is not processed)


  • We revised TESTAM routing and fixed some issues -- e.g., some of the previous pseudo label-generation process are problematic with deprecated codes
  • We partially updated TESTAM to be usable for the multivariate spatio-temporal data modeling. It is now capable for the multitask (or multivariate) forecasting with multiple output dimensions
  • We provide multiple additional features such as load balancing loss (as previos MoEs), and uncertainty flag. You may refer to the engine.py
  • We additionally revised some of redundancy in the codes


  • python>=3.8
  • torch>=1.7.1
  • numpy>=1.12.1
  • pandas>=0.19.2
  • scipy>=0.19.0

Dependencies can be installed using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

Download Datasets

The EXPY-TKY dataset can be found in MegaCRN Github. The other datasets, including METR-LA, can be found in Google Drive or Baidu Yun links provided by Li et al. (DCRNN).

Process Datasets

In the data processing stage, We have the same process as DCRNN.

# Create data directories
mkdir -p data/{METR-LA,PEMS-BAY,EXPY-TKY}

python generate_training_data.py --output_dir=data/METR-LA --traffic_df_fiilename=data/metr-la.h5 --seq_length_x INPUT_SEQ_LENGTH --seq_length_y PRED_SEQ_LENGTH

python generate_training_data.py --output_dir=data/PEMS-BAY --traffic_df_fiilename=data/pems-bay.h5 --seq_length_x INPUT_SEQ_LENGTH --seq_length_y PRED_SEQ_LENGTH

python generate_training_data.py --output_dir=data/EXPY-TKY --traffic_df_fiilename=data/expy-tky.csv --seq_length_x INPUT_SEQ_LENGTH --seq_length_y PRED_SEQ_LENGTH


Model Training

We provide default training codes in run.py. You can train the model as follows:

# DEVICE: {'cpu', 'cuda:0',...,'cuda:N'}
python run.py --dataset DATASET --device DEVICE

For more parameter information, please refer to train.py. We provide a more detailed and complete command description for the training code:

python -u train.py --device DEVICE --data DATA --adjdata ADJDATA --adjtype ADJTYPE
 --nhid NHID --in_dim IN_DIM --seq_length OUTDIM --num_nodes N --batch_size B
 --dropout DROPOUT --epochs EPOCHS --print_every PRINT_EVERY --seed SEED
 --save SAVE --expid EXPID --load_path LOAD_PATH --patience PATIENCE --lr_mul LR_MUL
 --n_warmup_steps N_WARMUP_STEPS --quantile Q --is_quantile IS_QUANTILE --warmup_epoch WARMUP_EPOCH

The detailed descriptions of the arguments are as follows:

Argument Description
device Device ID of GPU (default: cuda:0)
data Path to the dataset directory (default: ./data/METR-LA)
adjdata Path to the adjacency matrix file (default: ./data/METR-LA/adj_mx.pkl)
adjtype Type of adjacency matrix. (default: 'doubletransition'). It could be set to 'scalap', 'normlap', 'symnadj', 'transition', 'doubletransition', 'identity'. It is only used to check the number of nodes
out_dim Output dimensionality of TESTAM (default: 1 (i.e., speed)). It is implemented for the better use of TESTAM in the other generic spatio-temporal forecasting problems with multivariate setting.
nhid Dimension of hidden unit (default: 32)
in_dim Dimension of the input signal (default: 2 (speed, tod))
num_nodes Number of total nodes (default: 207). If you provide adjdata, train.py will calculate appropriate num_nodes automatically
batch_size The batch size of training input data (default: 64)
dropout The probability of dropout (default: 0.3)
epochs Total number of training epochs (default: 100)
print_every Print out the training loss per P steps (default: 50)
seed Random seed for the debugging (default: -1) -1 means we do not provide seed number
save Path and pre-fix for the model and output files (default: ./experiment/METR-LA_TESTAM)
expid Experiment ID (default: 1)
load_path Path to the pre-trained model. If it exists, continue the training from the saved model (default: None)
patience Patience for the early stopping (default: 15). If validation loss does not improve for previous PATIENCE epochs, the training ends
lr_mul Learning rate multiplier for the CosineWarmupScheduler (default: 1). Please refer to the Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017) and Pytorch documents
n_warmup_steps Number of steps for the CosineWarmupScheduler (default: 4000). Please refer to the Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017) and Pytorch documents
quantile Error quantile for the routing loss function (default: 0.7)
is_quantile Flag for the routing loss function. If True, a routing loss function based on the error quantile will be used. Otherwise, a routing function comparing every expert will be used.
warmup_epoch Determines the number of warmup epochs (default: 0). During warmup epochs, routing loss is not calculated, and each expert is trained with all data samples.

Model Testing

For the testing, you can run the code below:

python test.py --device DEVICE --data DATA --adjdata ADJDATA --adjtype ADJTYPE
 --nhid NHID --in_dim IN_DIM --out_dim OUTDIM --num_nodes N --batch_size B
 --save SAVE --load_path LOAD_PATH


If you find this repository useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

 title = {{TESTAM}: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts},
 author = {Hyunwook Lee and Sungahn Ko},
 booktitle = {The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
 year = {2024},
 URL = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=N0nTk5BSvO}