
Simple ATM Controller for Coding Assessment

Primary LanguageJava


Simple ATM Controller for Coding Assessment


  • Order of function call does matter in this scenario.
    (Insert Card) > Validate PIN > Get Account List > (Select Account as index) > See Balance/Deposit/Withdraw
    I strictly followed above flow, so that if you do not validate PIN, cannot go any further.

  • Introduced token, which is managed by bank service and required to access bank API.

  • Though I added defense logic, may have missed at some points. My apologies for that.

How to test

$ git clone https://github.com/HyunjoonCho/ATMcontroller.git
$ cd ATMcontroller

1. Running Unit Tests

When you install this repo using maven, automatically runs unit tests that I wrote

$ ./mvnw install

2. Using Spring REST API

Mapped controller methods to simple REST API
Check behavior via accessing localhost:8080 via web browser

$  java -jar ./target/atm-controller-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Every result is logged at your console

Example URLs


May modify default constructor of Bank.java and CashBin.java to change the initial state.
