
Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. (#1238 continued)

Primary LanguageVim script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2666

This plugin adds mappings and a :Mark command to highlight several words in
different colors simultaneously, similar to the built-in 'hlsearch'
highlighting of search results and the * command. For example, when you
are browsing a big program file, you could highlight multiple identifiers in
parallel. This will make it easier to trace the source code.

This is a continuation of vimscript #1238 by Yuheng Xie, who apparently
doesn't maintain his original version anymore and cannot be reached via the
email address in his profile. This plugin offers the following advantages over
the original:
- Much faster, all colored words can now be highlighted, no more clashes with
  syntax highlighting (due to use of matchadd()). 
- Many bug fixes. 
- Jumps behave like the built-in search, including wrap and error messages. 
- Like the built-in commands, jumps take an optional [count] to quickly skip
  over some marks. 

- MultipleSearch (vimscript #479) can highlight in a single window and in all
  buffers, but still relies on the :syntax highlighting method, which is
  slower and less reliable. 
- http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_multiple_words offers control over the
  color used by mapping the 1-9 keys on the numeric keypad, persistence, and
  highlights only a single window. 
- highlight.vim (vimscript #1599) highlights lines or patterns of interest in
  different colors, using mappings that start with CTRL-H and work on cword. 
- quickhl.vim (vimscript #3692) can also list the matches with colors and in
  addition offers on-the-fly highlighting of the current word (like many IDEs

<Leader>m		Mark the word under the cursor, similar to the star
			command. The next free highlight group is used. 
			If already on a mark: Clear the mark, like
{Visual}<Leader>m	Mark or unmark the visual selection. 

<Leader>r		Manually input a regular expression to mark. 
{Visual}<Leader>r	Ditto, based on the visual selection. 

<Leader>n		Clear the mark under the cursor.
			If not on a mark: Disable all marks, similar to

:Mark {pattern}		Mark or unmark {pattern}. 
:Mark			Disable all marks, similar to :nohlsearch. Marks
			will automatically re-enable when a mark is added or
			removed, or a search for marks is performed. 
:MarkClear		Clear all marks. In contrast to disabling marks, the
			actual mark information is cleared, the next mark will
			use the first highlight group. This cannot be undone. 

[count]*         [count]#
[count]<Leader>* [count]<Leader>#
[count]<Leader>/ [count]<Leader>?
			Use these six keys to jump to the [count]'th next /
			previous occurrence of a mark. 
			You could also use Vim's / and ? to search, since the
			mark patterns are (optionally, see configuration)
			added to the search history, too. 

            Cursor over mark                    Cursor not over mark
  <Leader>* Jump to the next occurrence of      Jump to the next occurrence of
            current mark, and remember it       "last mark". 
            as "last mark". 

  <Leader>/ Jump to the next occurrence of      Same as left. 
            ANY mark. 

   *        If <Leader>* is the most recently   Do Vim's original * command. 
            used, do a <Leader>*; otherwise
            (<Leader>/ is the most recently
            used), do a <Leader>/. 

The marks can be kept and restored across Vim sessions, using the viminfo
file. For this to work, the "!" flag must be part of the 'viminfo' setting: 
    set viminfo+=!  " Save and restore global variables. 
:MarkLoad		Restore the marks from the previous Vim session. All
			current marks are discarded. 
:MarkSave		Save the currently defined marks (or clear the
			persisted marks if no marks are currently defined) for
			use in a future Vim session.