
This is the simp lord clown ex faze pro wannbe, CLOWN DOUG

Doug claimed he had a friend that was smart enough to Hack one of the bigger cheat engines and got access to a list of dirty rat cheating streamers After he claimed to do all of this with a BAT file I knew he was also a dirty rat fraud as well.

How would I know? Let me introduce myself.

I am Jakoby. I am the number one ranked hacker on hak5.

In my free time I thouroughly enjoy writing malware in powershell. For those of you who don't know Powershell is the BAT files daddy. I have mastered Powershell, and this is how I know that fake wannabe hacker did not write a program in BAT that hacked one of the biggest cheat providers who is also a large collection of hackers. I have spent thousands and thousands of hours in payload development writing exploits for vulnerabilities and backdoors like you claimed to have done.

hak 5

Lets take a look at some of his work shall we?


He is really trying to convince people this is a dynamic program even though there is no consistency between function calls. If this truly was a repeating function there would be no variation between SS on the first call and iSS on the second call. This was a painfully pathetic typo he was too dumb or lazy to fix.

The repeated spelling errors just further suggest this was quickly thrown together by someone who just recently learned the basics of programming and did ZERO proof reading.

Finally and worst of all he is really out here trying to convince us he pulled off this advanced hack using batch. Using an anology you guys should understand Powershell is the big brother who knows what he is doing, and Batch is the little brother you give a controller that is not even plugged in just to keep them busy.

Can you please explain this Mr Hacker man?!


Why is the world is the key you generated for yourself to access this database different each time?! Is it because you used this as a variable to control the output of your poorly put together program? The first key you use to tell your script there is no results, the second on you use to indicate the name has been found. We got you.

PNGMKR v1.08?!


If there any chance at all you could be kind enough to link me to this program? Is there a github repo out there somewhere that I don't know of because I can not find it anywhere on the internet?

Actually no need I can do you one better my txt to image program I wrote in powershell is right here. See I have already done this and can not for the life of me figure out how or why you would do this in BAT instead of powershell. It truly blows my mind. It's like a professional skateboarder using a walmart board, a professional streamer using a chromebook, something just doesn't add up.But fortunately for you that link comes with a video tutorial so you can learn how to do it for real.

And to make matters worse you didnt even put the slightest bit of effort into trying to make it realistic. This couldn't be more embarassing. You seriously took a snippet of your fake output in a code editor and tried to pass it off as something you generated with PNGMKR. When in reality you just used your program to open that snippet you had already grabbed.

I also hear you were not willing to release the source code for your program. The program that doesn't even work anymore because they patched your exploit. Why would that be? Is it because you faked the entire thing and if someone like me got ahold of it I would just expose you to the entire world? Well today is that day my friend.

Well fear not, you don't have to because I recreated your entire program and I have posted all the files here for the world to do as they wish with them.

I only have one last thing to say. Doug you are an embarassment to the community and you sealed your fate this time.
