
Library and sample application for 3D measurements in image width hidden depth map

Primary LanguageC++

iconic-measure {#mainpage}

Library and sample application for 3D measurements in image with hidden depth map. See Stakeholders Request for more info.

Build procedure

Note To build and run this application, a graphics card with OpenCL/OpenGL interoperability is required (AMD cards or integrated graphics will probably not work, however a dedicated NVIDIA GPU will most likely).

  1. Install Visual Studio, including C++ desktop module.
  2. Install vcpkg using their instructions, make sure to choose an install location that doesn't contain spaces and isn't a system folder. A valid example is C:/src/vcpkg.
  3. Install project dependencies using vcpkg:
    ./vcpkg.exe install --triplet=x64-windows boost-compute boost-geometry boost-iostreams boost-smart-ptr boost-test boost-thread boost-timer clfft eigen3 glew glfw3 libgeotiff opencl opengl openimageio[webp] proj4 wxwidgets libtess2
    This will take a while (up to an hour).
  4. Bind vcpkg to Visual Studio (more info in the wxWebMap repository):
    ./vcpkg integrate install
  5. Clone the iconic-measure repository from Visual Studio using File -> Clone repository and writing https://github.com/I-CONIC-Vision-AB/iconic-measure as Repository location.
  6. Open Visual Studio and select Open Folder. Go to the cloned iconic-measure folder.
  7. You will get an error that ICONIC_PATH is not set.
    • Download I-CONIC API (prefferably both debug and release versions)
    • Unzip downloaded file
    • Open Project -> CMake Setting and add this to CMake command arguments with your iconic-api debug path:
    • At the left add a configuration (plus icon) and select x64-Release.
    • For x64-Release configuration do similarly to x64-Debug, add this to CMake command arguments with your iconic-api release path:
    • [Optional, but recommended] Change Configuration type to RelWithDebInfo to enable debugging symbols (will probably already be selected)
    • Save the file. This should result in CMake finished successfully.
  8. At the top of Visual Studio select either x64-Debug configuration or x64-Release configuration.
  9. Build the project:
    Build -> Build all
  10. Select IconicMeasure.exe in Select Startup Item at the top of Visual Studio
  11. Run the built binary:
    Debug -> Run

Running IconicMeasure.exe

Warning You will get a message that you do not have an I-CONIC API license. Send the license request to info@i-conic.eu to request a license.

  • File -> Open folder: Open a folder with an image, a depth map and a camera file (or download the example data)
  • Tab: Go to the next (and only) frame
  • Move around with mouse, zoom with mouse wheel
  • View -> Measure: enter measure mode
  • Mouse click; Creates a red point and shows camera coordinates and 3D coordinates in status bar

Generating code documentation

The documentation for the main branch is a available as a website at https://i-conic-vision-ab.github.io/iconic-measure/

  1. Download doxygen from from their website (Windows binary setup is easiest)
  2. Open the installed doxywizard.exe
  3. File -> Open and select iconic-measure/doc/iconic-measure.doxygen (You may want to associate extension .doxygen with the doxywizard to enable double-clicking the file in the future. Otherwise you can find it in File -> Open recent the next time)
  4. Click the Run tab
  5. Click the Run doxygen button
  6. Click the Show HTML output button. This opens the documentation. It can from now on also be opened directly under iconic-measure/doc/html/index.html

Usage with Visual Studio

In Visual Studio, write /** above a function or variable definition and press enter to auto generate a doxygen skeleton for that symbol. Place this documentation above the symbol in the corresponding header file.

  • If it doesn't work, change Generated documentation comments style to Doxygen (/**) under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Code Style -> General.
  • You may also want to try the Visual Studio extension VSDoxyHighlighter or the Visual Studio Code extension Doxygen Documentation Generator.

Example doxygen comment

 * @brief Checks if there are more sheep than cows on the farm.
 * Uses the superadvanced algorithm LavaMint™ to calculate stuff. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
 * Donec a ipsum sit amet diam scelerisque mollis.
 * Can also work as a spaceship computer.
 * @param sheepAmount The number of sheep on the farm, >=0
 * @param cowPercent The percent of cows on the farm, >=0
 * @return true if there are more sheep than cows
 * @return false if there are the same amount of cows and sheep
 * @warning Will crash if sheepAmount < 0
 * @warning Will crash if cowPercent < 0
 * @warning Will crash if sheepAmount < cowPercent
 * @attention Remember that the percentage 10% is written like 0.10
 * @todo Fix warnings
 * @todo Add ability to have pigs on the farm

More commands are available in the Doxygen Documentation but be sure to use the at @ prefix instead of a backslash \.