
Generates destructors for structures that contain raw pointers in the FFI.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FFI Destruct

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Generates destructors for structures that contain raw pointers in the FFI.


The Destruct derive macro will implement Drop trait and free(drop) memory for structures containing raw pointers. It may be a common procedure for FFI resource management.


All the raw pointer dropping operations are unsafe and almost unchecked. Should only drop resources managed by Rust side.

Supported types

Both *const and *mut are acceptable. But currently, only single-level pointers are supported.

type handler note
* c_char ::std::ffi::CString::from_raw() C-style string. Likely type path:
std::ffi::c_char libc::c_char std::os::raw::c_char
* <T> ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw() Anything heap-allocated by Rust. Something likely from:


Provides a structure with several raw pointers that need to be dropped manually.

use ffi_destruct::{extern_c_destructor, Destruct};
use std::ffi::*;

pub struct MyStruct {
    field: *mut std::ffi::c_char,

pub struct AnyOther(u32, u32);

// Struct definition here, with deriving Destruct and nullable attributes.
pub struct Structure {
    // Default is non-null.
    c_string: *const c_char,
    c_string_nullable: *mut c_char,

    other: *mut MyStruct,
    other_nullable: *mut MyStruct,

    // Do not drop this field.
    not_dropped: *const AnyOther,

    // Raw pointer for any other things
    any: *mut AnyOther,

    // Non-pointer types are still available, and will not be added to drop().
    pub normal_int: u32,
    pub normal_string: String,

// (Optional) The macro here generates the destructor: destruct_structure()

fn main() {
    // Some resources manually managed
    let tmp = AnyOther(1, 1);
    let tmp_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tmp));

    let my_struct = Structure {
        c_string: CString::new("Hello").unwrap().into_raw(),
        c_string_nullable: std::ptr::null_mut(),
        other: Box::into_raw(Box::new(MyStruct {
            field: CString::new("Hello").unwrap().into_raw(),
        other_nullable: std::ptr::null_mut(),
        not_dropped: tmp_ptr,
        any: Box::into_raw(Box::new(AnyOther(1, 1))),
        normal_int: 114514,
        normal_string: "Hello".to_string(),

    let my_struct_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(my_struct));
    // FFI calling
    unsafe {

    // Drop the manually managed resources
    unsafe {
        let _ = Box::from_raw(tmp_ptr);

After expanding the macros:

use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
extern crate std;
use ffi_destruct::{extern_c_destructor, Destruct};
use std::ffi::*;
pub struct MyStruct {
    field: *mut std::ffi::c_char,
impl ::std::ops::Drop for MyStruct {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let _ = ::std::ffi::CString::from_raw(self.field as *mut ::std::ffi::c_char);
pub struct AnyOther(u32, u32);
pub struct Structure {
    c_string: *const c_char,
    c_string_nullable: *mut c_char,
    other: *mut MyStruct,
    other_nullable: *mut MyStruct,
    not_dropped: *const AnyOther,
    any: *mut AnyOther,
    pub normal_int: u32,
    pub normal_string: String,
impl ::std::ops::Drop for Structure {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let _ = ::std::ffi::CString::from_raw(
                self.c_string as *mut ::std::ffi::c_char,
            if !self.c_string_nullable.is_null() {
                let _ = ::std::ffi::CString::from_raw(
                    self.c_string_nullable as *mut ::std::ffi::c_char,
            let _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(self.other as *mut MyStruct);
            if !self.other_nullable.is_null() {
                let _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(
                    self.other_nullable as *mut MyStruct,
            let _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(self.any as *mut AnyOther);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn destruct_structure(ptr: *mut Structure) {
    if ptr.is_null() {
    let _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(ptr);
fn main() {
    let tmp = AnyOther(1, 1);
    let tmp_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tmp));
    let my_struct = Structure {
        c_string: CString::new("Hello").unwrap().into_raw(),
        c_string_nullable: std::ptr::null_mut(),
        other: Box::into_raw(
            Box::new(MyStruct {
                field: CString::new("Hello").unwrap().into_raw(),
        other_nullable: std::ptr::null_mut(),
        not_dropped: tmp_ptr,
        any: Box::into_raw(Box::new(AnyOther(1, 1))),
        normal_int: 114514,
        normal_string: "Hello".to_string(),
    let my_struct_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(my_struct));
    unsafe {
    unsafe {
        let _ = Box::from_raw(tmp_ptr);