Weather Application ☁️☀️

1. Overview

We as third year students were tasked to build a weather application as our project for WPR381. The application requires us to use a weather API for our backend Express server. For our frontend we were required to use React.

2. Functionality of application

These are some of the functionalities our application will have

  • View weather in current location
  • Can switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius
  • Dynamically changing weather icon depending on the weather conditions
  • Ability to search for weather in different locations

3. Topics we covered in Project

  • Express
  • React
  • API

4. How to Run

STEP 1: Run the server.js file using node STEP 2: Go to the client directory and run the react app (command: npm start)

5. Project Contributors

Name Surname StudentID
George Hammond 577175
Leander Botha 578404
Johan Lindeque 578382
Willem Engelbrecht 578334
Juanro Minne 577195