
Handles functions and methods to be runned at shutdown.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Handles functions and methods to be runned at shutdown.

  • Provide priority levels: 1 -high, 2 -normal, 3 -low;
  • Perform extended check of callable nature before registration;
  • Allow for deregistration;
  • Throw exceptions only if asked to;
  • Comes with an interface.

Very handy for log buffering, mail piling, database closing, etc.


use \SSITU\Hekate\Hekate;

require_once 'path/to/autoload.php';

$throwException = true; # default: false
$Hekate = new Hekate();
// or
$Hekate = new Hekate($throwException);
// and also

$priority = 1; #default: 2

# Functions:
$Hekate->register('funcName', ['funcArgm1', 'funcArgm2'], $priority);

# Methods:
$Hekate->register(['className', 'publicStaticMethodName'], ['someMethodArgm'], $priority);
// or use helper:
$Hekate->registerMethod('className', 'publicStaticMethodName', ['someMethodArgm'], $priority);

// Class passed as string can only register static method.
// Otherwise, pass object:
$Hekate->registerMethod(new SomeClass(), 'publicMethodName',  ['someMethodArgm'], $priority);

# Deregister:
$registrationId = $Hekate->register('callable');

// when exception throwing is turned off: register method will return FALSE in case of invalid callback
$registrationId = $Hekate->register('badCallable');
if($registrationId === false){
    // handle it the way you prefer


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This project is under the MIT License; cf. LICENSE for details.