
Igor will auto-generate your interfaces files.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Igor will auto-generate your interfaces files. Specify a file or directory, and voilĂ !

Yes, I know. Usually, you write your interfaces first, and generate files from them. But for odd cases or weird people, Igor is there.

Getting Started


composer require ssitu/igor

Ready for CLI

To uses Igor in CLI, install ssitu/euclid too. Check out IgorCli.php in src/, and bin/igor in samples/.

php bin/igor

And then just follow the prompts!


use SSITU\Igor\Igor;
require_once 'path/to/autoload.php';
$Igor = new Igor();
     ->doALLtheInterfaces('classes/src/path/', 'interfaces/dest/path');



$Igor->doALLtheInterfaces($srcdir, $intfdir);
$Igor->doOneInterface($srcfile, $dest);


All setters are chainable.

Files Details

$Igor->set_srcFilesGlobpattrn($pattern); // default: "*[!(_i)].php"
$Igor->set_intrFilesGlobpattrn($pattern); // default: none
$Igor->set_intrFilesSuffx($suffx); // default: "_i"
$Igor->set_intrFilesPrefx($prefx); // default: none

License Mention

Manually specify License mention (1)
Or let Igor locate it in source file and copy it (2)

$Igor->set_licenseMention($mention);  // (1) default: none
$Igor->set_autoSearchLicense($bool); // (2) default: true

Namespace and Implementation

$Igor->set_intrNamespace($intrNamespace); // default: ''
$Igor->set_addImplementsToSrc($bool); // default: true
$Igor->set_rewrite($bool); // default: true

Set interface namespace with set_intrNamespace.
Namespace-guessing is too hazardous; better not breaking your code.

If set_addImplementsToSrc set to true: Igor will add implements \InterfaceNamespace\InterfaceName to source file, if not already set.

set_rewrite applies to method doALLtheInterfaces.
If set to false, Igor will skip source files that already have a matching interface file.
Otherwise, said existing interface file will be rewritten from sratch.


Sure! You can take a loot at CONTRIBUTING.


This project is under the MIT License; cf. LICENSE for details.
