Nexus Github Pages Starter Kit

Nexus is a peer-to-peer Micro Social Network.
This is the Nexus GitHub Pages Starter Kit repository.

GitHub Pages are public webpages hosted and published through GitHub.
They are available to free accounts!

Getting started

If do not have a GitHub account, start by creating one:

Click the Fork button to create a copy of this Starter Kit on your account.
Go to the Settings tab.

  • in Options: rename Nexus-Github-starter to nexus
  • in Pages: select main as branch and root as folder, then click Save.

Optional: edit index.html to change app attributes as desired:

  • if you wish to set a custom theme, add data-style="path/to/your/theme.css" to the div tag
  • if you prefer to use another app than Nexus-IO, change script src
  • if you would like to specify a default language, add data-lang="place-lang-code-here" to the div tag

Commit your changes.

Upload your media files in media/ if any.

If you're unfamiliar with Git, you can add new files through the GitHub website:

  • in your Nexus repository, navigate to the folder where you want to place files
  • click the Add file button
  • select your file(s)
  • click Commit changes.

You can also use the GitHub desktop application:

Launch the Editor: and fill in the form.
Click the 'down arrow' icon to download your new .json file.
In your repository, replace source/nexus.json with your updated Nexus .json file.

Access your Nexus:

More detailed documentation is available here:

Other resources

GitHub Pages Documentation:

Nexus Hub repository: I-is-as-I-does/Nexus
Apache Starter Kit: I-is-as-I-does/Nexus-Apache-starter