Starting over - 'fullstackopen' section 3 with mongodb I got to section 5 and realized I did not understand WHY and broke my app beyond repair trying to figure it out.

😁YAY! It works now!

Steps to deploy (Express) :

  1. heroku login, heroku create

  2. add Procfile to backend root, and add app.use(express.static("build")) to index.js

  3. create repo/commit to git without build directory - git push -u origin master

  4. configure Heroku with mongodb url/password heroku config:set MONGODB_URI=mongodb+srv://

NOTE: Don't forget to add SECRET=secret to heroku config after adding jwt auth! That's what my problem was!

#HEROKU TROUBLESHOOTING: Lesson learned the hard way. Heroku does not update your .git/config for you if you delete and re-create your heroku app. If you run into problems, check the config file for an entry that looks like this:

[remote "heroku"]
	url =
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*

Make sure the url is correct.