
IPL data project, using only postgres.


  • Installing postrges
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  • Clone this remote repository to the local system


  • Create a separate user and database for the project
$ psql

Now in postgres prompt run:

postgres=# \i '1.create userDatabase.sql'
  • Setup tables for Ipl analysis
-- switch to ipl database
ipl=# \c ipl
ipl=# \i 'create_tables.sql'
  • Run each solution of Ipl analysis in a sequential manner
-- switch to new user created
ipl=# \q

$ psql -U parth ipl
ipl=# \i 'ipl_problem1.sql'

In a similar way all 4 solutions of the project can be executed

  • Cleaning up the database and user
ipl=# \q
$ psql postgres -f '2.delete userDatabase.sql' 

Note -> All data files are preprocessed and stored inside the dataset directory


For more info about the data simple goto: