
Puno is a framework to program microcontrollers from within Processing.

Primary LanguageJava


PUNO (Processing-Arduino) is a framework to program microcontrollers from within Processing.


Install the Firmware

To setup the firmware on an Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2, download and install the WiFiNINA library (or from library manager).

Find the Address

To connect with an Ardunio, you first have to get its IP address. Follow the steps to obtain the address:

  1. Open Arduino IDE
  2. Plugin Arduino with a USB cable
  3. Open Serial Monitor (Baudrate: 9600)
  4. Arduino will print out it's IP address (f.e.


The API is very similar to the default Arduino API. It is possible to read and write digital and analog pins, set pin modes and even some higher level methods to control LSS servos.

Setup & Connection

  • setupPUNO(PApplet sketch) - Initialises the PUNO driver. This method has to be called in setup(), before any other method.
  • connectArduino(String address) - Connects to a network Arduino device. The address is the IP address of the device.

Digital & Analog Pins

  • digitalWrite(int pin, int value) - set a pin to either on(1) or off(0)
  • analogWrite(int, pin, int value) - write a PWM value to a pin (0-255)
  • int digitalRead(int pin)- read the digital value from a pin (0 or 1)
  • int analogRead(int pin)- read the analog value from a pin (0 to 1023)


  • Servo.changeId(int currentID, int newID) - Seting the ID requires a reset of the motor. ID 254 can be used to broadcast to all attached motors

  • Servo.reset(int Id) - Reset a motor. Same effect can be achieved with turning on and off the motor.

  • Servo.move(int id, int angle) - Move to a specific angle

  • Servo.move(int id, int angle, int speed) - Move to a spcific angle in degree with the given speed

  • Servo.moveTimed(int id, int angle, int time) - Move to a spcific angle in degree in the given time (milliseconds)

  • Servo.wheelRPM(int Id, int speed) - Set the rotation speed (in rotations per minute)

  • Servo.wheelDegree(int id, int speed) - Set the rotation speed (in degrees per second)

  • Servo.moveRelative(int id, int angle) - Move to an angle relative to the the current wheel position

  • Servo.halt(int id) - Stop the servo from moving but keeps holding power

  • Servo.limp(int id) - Stop the servo from moving and does not power the motor anymore

Change ID Example

First set the id and then reset the motor.

// set the id
Servo.changeId(254, 0);

// reset motor to store value


More about rotation axes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_principal_axes)

  • IMU.read() - Read in all the three rotation axes.
  • IMU.roll - Roll value of the IMU
  • IMU.pitch - Pitch value of the IMU
  • IMU.yaw - Yaw value of the IMU


  • connectWekinator() - Connects PUNO to directly to a local instance of Wekinator. This instance should use the default ports.
  • Data Input (Training / Prediction Phase)
    • Wekinator.train(int... values)
    • Wekinator.predict(int outputCount, int... values)
  • Outputs
    • Wekinator.output1
    • Wekinator.output2
    • Wekinator.output3
    • Wekinator.output4
    • Wekinator.output5


// read outputs
Wekinator.predict(20, 30, 20);

// print outputs

Onboard Servo LED

  • Servo.setColorLED(int id, int colorCode) - 0=Off (black); 1=Red 2=Green; 3=Blue; 4=Yellow; 5=Cyan; 6=Magenta; 7=White;
  • Servo.setBlinkingLED(int id, int rate) -

Arduino LED

  • setLEDColor(color c) -


Developed by Florian Bruggisser & Luke Franzke ZHdK 2020