Table Framework for Bits & Atoms III (Data Literacy & Visualization) and Interactive Visualization Course

This is a node.js server framework using and including a P5 JS implementation on the client side

To take off and start your own visualization experiments


download or clone this repository install node js (if you haven't ) in your machine or virtual machine


in the command line or terminal run (without the $ ):

$ node index.js or $ sudo node index.js

open your browser (preferably Chrome for better performance) and type 'http://localhost:8080/' in the address bar

you should see something like this in your browser and a notification on the terminal ->

"new client connected id: gbyoWN7CmiO8Qy2bAAAB"

keyboard shortcuts:

'm' - shows a map of the world in 3D

'f' - toggles to full screen

'v' - toggles the vector map of the world

'p' - toggles the points of interest

'n' - toggles flattened map