
exfortables by made by python based exfor_parser

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

exfortables_py: An EXFORTABLES-Inspired Structured Database Created by EXFOR_Parser


This repository contains tabulated format (x, dx, y, dy) of a directory-structured projectile/nuclide/reaction/ database, exfortables_py which is inspired by EXFORTABLES. The datasets are extracted from Experimental Nuclear Reaction Database (EXFOR) using EXFOR_Parser originating from EXFOR Master Files for making retrieval and utilization of EXFOR data more straightforward for users. The new version of IAEA Nuclear Reaction Dataexplorer will be built on top of this database.

Download formatted datasets

In order to download the entire repository from the terminal, you can invoke

git clone https://github.com/IAEA-NDS/exfortables_py.git

Since the repository contains large amount of files, it will take a while to get entire files to download. If you aim to clone a particular folder, i.e, projectile or projectile/nuclide, then the sparse-checkout command should be used. It works on git version above 2.25.0, so please make sure you have your git version updated. The following is the example to download n/Al-27 reaction datasets only.

git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout https://github.com/IAEA-NDS/exfortables_py.git
cd exfortables_py
git sparse-checkout set --cone
git checkout main
git sparse-checkout set n/Al-27

About Dataset

The root directory's name corresponds to the projectile, with 0 indicating a spontaneous reaction involving the target nuclide, formatted as Al-27, for example. In this format, 0 represents the mass number of the target nuclide, such as Ag-0, indicating natural abundance. Currently, datasets are available only for cross sections (xs), fission yields (fission/yield), and certain neutron observables (neutron). Below is a preview of the repository's directory structure.

Please note that the angle and energy directories contain the working versions of the datasets.

 ├──  0
 |     └── Pu-240
 |          └── 0-f
 |               └── fission
 |                   └── yield
 |                        ├── cumulative
 |                        ├── independent
 |                        |    ├── Pu-240_0-f_Bushuev-41499-002-0-2007.txt
 │                        │    ├── ....
 |                        |    └── Pu-240_0-f_Laidler-21482-002-0-1962.txt
 |                        └── primary
 ├──  a
 ├──  d
 ├──  e
 ├──  g
 ├──  i
 ├──  n
 |    └── Al-27
 │         ├── n-el
 │         │    ├── angle
 │         │    └── xs
 │         ├── n-inl-L1
 │         │    ├── angle
 │         │    └── xs
 │         │        ├── Al-27_n-inl-L1_Al27_Almen-Ramstrom-20788-002-0-1975.txt
 │         │        ├── ....
 │         │        └── Al-27_n-inl-L1_Al27_Whisnant-12875-005-0-1984.txt
 │         └── n-x
 ├──  p
 ├──  t
 ├──  LICENSE.md
 └──  README.md

File format

An example of the file format for n/Al-27/n-inl-L1/xs/Al-27_n-inl-L1_Almen-Ramstrom-20788-002-0-1975.txt is provided below.

# entry-subent-pointer  : 20788-002-0 
# EXFOR reaction        : ['13-AL-27', ['N,INL'], '13-AL-27,PAR,SIG'] 
# incident energy       : 2.0200e+00 MeV - 4.5000e+00 MeV 
# target                : Al-27 
# product               : Al-27 
# level energy          : 8.4200e-01 MeV 
# MF-MT number          : 3 - 51 
# first author          : E.Almen-Ramstrom 
# institute             : (2SWDAE ): Studsvik Energiteknik AB 
# reference             : (R,AE-503,197504) 
# year                  : 1975 
# facility              : (VDG): Van de Graaff 
# git                   : https://github.com/IAEA-NDS/exfor_master/blob/main/exforall/207/20788.x4 
# nds                   : https://nds.iaea.org/EXFOR/20788
#       E_in(MeV)       dE_in(MeV)            XS(B)           dXS(B)
      2.02000E+00      0.00000E+00      8.00000E-02      1.20000E-02
      2.27000E+00      0.00000E+00      6.60000E-02      1.00000E-02
      2.50000E+00      0.00000E+00      5.80000E-02      9.00000E-03
      2.77000E+00      0.00000E+00      1.05000E-01      1.60000E-02
      3.01000E+00      0.00000E+00      5.80000E-02      9.00000E-03
      3.29000E+00      0.00000E+00      5.10000E-02      8.00000E-03
      3.52000E+00      0.00000E+00      4.90000E-02      7.00000E-03
      3.78000E+00      0.00000E+00      8.50000E-02      1.30000E-02
      4.02000E+00      0.00000E+00      4.90000E-02      7.00000E-03
      4.26000E+00      0.00000E+00      6.60000E-02      1.00000E-02
      4.50000E+00      0.00000E+00      5.00000E-02      8.00000E-03


For this database:

For EXFOR_Parser and IAEA Nuclear Reaction Dataexplorer:

License and Disclaimer

  • This project is licensed under the CC BY-SA License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
  • Changes: The developers of this repository reserve the right to modify or update datasets at any time without prior notice.

Get in touch

To report a bug, error, or feature request, please open an issue.

The original EXFORTABLES

aThe original EXFORTABLES is actively used for the TENDL library and is also downloadable from here as a compressed package.