
Primary LanguagePython



Deployed version

Link to service: https://szakal-iaeste-7x36w6uefq-lm.a.run.app

Local Project Setup

  1. You can either download the sample as a ZIP file and extract it or clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/IAESTE-AGH/szakal.git

  2. Confirm your Python is at least version 3.8.

    python -V

  3. Create a Python virtual environment and install dependencies

    python -m venv venv


    pip install --upgrade pip

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Download Google Service Account file from MSTeams. Save it into repository folder but DO NOT ADD THIS FILE TO REPOSITORY!!!!!!
  5. Download and install the Cloud SQL Auth proxy to your local machine and rename it to cloud_sql_proxy.exe
  6. In a separate terminal, go to localization where downloaded file cloud_sql_proxy.exe is saved and start the Cloud SQL Auth proxy, before make sure than port 5432 is free:

    cloud_sql_proxy.exe -instances=szakal-iaeste:europe-central2:szakal-iaeste=tcp:5432 -credential_file={Absolute Path to Google Service Account file}

  7. Set an environment variable to indicate you are using Cloud SQL Auth proxy USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY=true (this value is recognised in the code)

    (PowerShell) $env:USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY="true"

    (Shell) set USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY = "true"

    (Linux) export USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY="true"

  8. Run the Django migrations to set up your models and assets

    python manage.py makemigrations

    python manage.py makemigrations szakal

    python manage.py migrate

  9. Start the Django web server:

    python manage.py runserver

  10. In your browser, go to http://localhost:8000


  • permission to edit user(me) data + everywhere - Szymon
  • phone -> default instead of None - Michał
  • center text in home box data - Jakub
  • line from left to right - Jakub
  • objects delete id or fix sorting by id(display) - fix sorting - reduce number of possibilities to filter - Szymon
  • delete https://szakal-tbvozkjslq-lm.a.run.app/user/list/ - Michał
  • link fill div(hamburger) - Jakub
  • language code to PL and all text to PL - Daniel
  • add category - check how often - v2
  • update person name ???????????? - hide from display - Michał - to discuss
  • deleted + delete date - not able to check during adding - Michał
  • not set "Number of ratings" - Jakuba
  • fix css -
  • delete own username in right upper corner - Daniel
  • add code to add contact person + button in company details page - Michał
  • add boundaries to rating(consult with JFR) - v2
  • css - https://szakal-tbvozkjslq-lm.a.run.app/company/1/company_details/ - Daniel
  • fix contact and company update - Szymon
  • fix rating
  • CRUD for industry company
  • display all info for company
  • MANY TO MANY in form, better solution
  • Purpose of categories? What values?
  • CRUD for contact person
  • Simplify DB design
  • Add common errors to README(Michał)
  • Clean DB
  • Fix return after update


  • Next contact date (delete field from company and take it from contacts) - Justyna
  • Style creating and actualization - Michał & Daniel
  • Calculate rating base on contact rating (trigger) - Tomek
  • Approving users - Szymon
  • Password changing - Szymon
  • "Delete" categories (company and contact)
  • Ability to unassign person from company (admin)
  • Actualization date for company (not working)
  • Home "Statusy firm" not more than one status for company (and only from my companies)