Link to service:
- You can either download the sample as a ZIP file and extract it or clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Confirm your Python is at least version 3.8.
python -V
- Create a Python virtual environment and install dependencies
python -m venv venv
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download Google Service Account file from MSTeams. Save it into repository folder but DO NOT ADD THIS FILE TO REPOSITORY!!!!!!
- Download and install the Cloud SQL Auth proxy to your local machine and rename it to
- In a separate terminal, go to localization where downloaded file
is saved and start the Cloud SQL Auth proxy, before make sure than port 5432 is free:cloud_sql_proxy.exe -instances=szakal-iaeste:europe-central2:szakal-iaeste=tcp:5432 -credential_file={Absolute Path to Google Service Account file}
- Set an environment variable to indicate you are using Cloud SQL Auth proxy
(this value is recognised in the code)(PowerShell) $env:USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY="true"
(Shell) set USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY = "true"
(Linux) export USE_CLOUD_SQL_AUTH_PROXY="true"
- Run the Django migrations to set up your models and assets
python makemigrations
python makemigrations szakal
python migrate
- Start the Django web server:
python runserver
- In your browser, go to http://localhost:8000
- permission to edit user(me) data + everywhere - Szymon
- phone -> default instead of None - Michał
- center text in home box data - Jakub
- line from left to right - Jakub
- objects delete id or fix sorting by id(display) - fix sorting - reduce number of possibilities to filter - Szymon
- delete - Michał
- link fill div(hamburger) - Jakub
- language code to PL and all text to PL - Daniel
- add category - check how often - v2
- update person name ???????????? - hide from display - Michał - to discuss
- deleted + delete date - not able to check during adding - Michał
- not set "Number of ratings" - Jakuba
- fix css -
- delete own username in right upper corner - Daniel
- add code to add contact person + button in company details page - Michał
- add boundaries to rating(consult with JFR) - v2
- css - - Daniel
- fix contact and company update - Szymon
- fix rating
- CRUD for industry company
- display all info for company
- MANY TO MANY in form, better solution
- Purpose of categories? What values?
- CRUD for contact person
- Simplify DB design
- Add common errors to README(Michał)
- Clean DB
- Fix return after update
- Next contact date (delete field from company and take it from contacts) - Justyna
- Style creating and actualization - Michał & Daniel
- Calculate rating base on contact rating (trigger) - Tomek
- Approving users - Szymon
- Password changing - Szymon
- "Delete" categories (company and contact)
- Ability to unassign person from company (admin)
- Actualization date for company (not working)
- Home "Statusy firm" not more than one status for company (and only from my companies)