
Fixed Google Drive Public File Downloader when Curl/Wget Fails

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Download large files from Google Drive effortlessly.

PyPI Version Supported Python Versions


Google's restrictions sometimes require using cookies for successful downloads. If direct access to a file is still possible via a browser, you can download the cookies file (cookies.txt) and place it in ~/.cache/gdown/cookies.txt. Then re-run the download command.

1. Description

Downloading large files from Google Drive can be tricky due to security measures. gdown simplifies this process, overcoming the limitations of traditional methods like curl or wget. It also supports downloading from Google Drive folders with a maximum of 50 files per folder.

2. Installation

pip install git+https://github.com/IAHispano/gdown

# to upgrade
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/IAHispano/gdown

3. Usage

1. From Command Line (CLI)

$ gdown --help

# Downloading a large file (~500MB)
$ gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1l_5RK28JRL19wpT22B-DY9We3TVXnnQQ
$ md5sum fcn8s_from_caffe.npz

# Downloading a small file
$ gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B9P1L--7Wd2vU3VUVlFnbTgtS2c
$ cat spam.txt

# Downloading a folder
$ gdown https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15uNXeRBIhVvZJIhL4yTw4IsStMhUaaxl -O /tmp/folder --folder

# Downloading with alternative methods
$ gdown https://httpbin.org/ip -O ip.json
$ cat ip.json
  "origin": ""

2. From Python

import gdown

# Downloading a file
url = "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1l_5RK28JRL19wpT22B-DY9We3TVXnnQQ"
output = "fcn8s_from_caffe.npz"
gdown.download(url, output, quiet=False)

# Downloading a folder
url = "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15uNXeRBIhVvZJIhL4yTw4IsStMhUaaxl"
gdown.download_folder(url, quiet=True, use_cookies=False)

4. Credits

All credits go to wkentaro.

5. License