

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tauri + Yew Demo

a demo(practice) project. has yew -> js -> tauri async call. as well as tauri -> js -> yew message sending。


rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli
cargo install tauri-cli --version ^1.0.0


After installing the above, you should be able to run it with

cargo tauri dev


You can do a release build with

cargo tauri build --verbose

and if you want debug in released app. use --debug:

cargo tauri build --verbose --debug

an build app in folder: src-tauri/target/release/bundle/

learn more

Tauri: https://tauri.studio/en/docs/get-started/intro

Yew: https://yew.rs/docs/getting-started/introduction

wasm-bindgen-usage: https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/reference/passing-rust-closures-to-js.html

trunk: https://trunkrs.dev/

how wasm gc in Ocaml: https://medium.com/@sanderspies/the-road-to-webassembly-gc-for-ocaml-bd44dc7f9a9d how wasm gc need in Chrome: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ZId5XdETWgQHJe4Jozi-aKwCwqvDLgLuokP0gnJq6Q/edit#

about Content Security Policy.

i use dangerousDisableAssetCspModification in tauri.conf.json. see reason below[tauri csp bug when use yew(wasm)].