
Tool Description:

The Cybersecurity Word Combination Tool is a command-line utility designed to generate word combinations for cybersecurity purposes. It leverages permutation and combination techniques to generate various combinations of provided words or numbers to .txt file. This tool is useful in password cracking, security testing, and assessing the strength of passwords.

There will be multiple options for customization :

  1. Sequential generation of Number with custom word size.
  2. Alpha Numeric Generation.
  3. Shoulder Surfing Completion
  4. Pattern Completion

Unique Algorithms:

  1. Targeted custom list for Red, and Purple Team.
  2. Complex character based combinations. Ex : Iam5k here S ias replaced by 5. Some other varient can be 1am5k, 14m5k,I4M$K, I4MSK and many more.

Why one should use this over other wordlist out there,

  1. If anyone wants to do customisation, you cannot find it over internet as most of the available wordlist are not made in India and maynot have Indian words or names. If you know first word eg: Vishnu and there was some combination of special characters and numbers after that. We have a known word limit as 10. It is very predictable that it can be
    • Vishnu@123
    • Vishnu@xxx (xxx here can be date of birth, 3 digit of mobile number, Roll number, vechile reg number, or lucky number etc.)
    • VishnuYxxx (Y here can be any special character followed by xxx mentioned above)
    • VishnuXXXX (4 Digit number from any of above mentioned parameters.) This is very obvious that you cannot find this in any pre defined word list.
  2. No need to waste your bandwidth and time to download wordlist.
  3. Complex password generation.
  4. High probablity to crack the target as we are now creating targetted wordlist.

Usage Guidelines:

  1. Installation:

    • Download the tool from the provided source.
    • Install the Go programming language if not already installed.
    • Compile the tool using the appropriate commands.
  2. Usage:

    • Run the tool from the command line.
    • Provide multiple words or numbers as input, separated by spaces or commas.
    • The tool will generate all possible combinations based on the provided input.

Expected Output:

The tool will output a list of word combinations based on the provided input. Each combination represents a permutation of the input words or numbers. The output will be displayed in the command-line interface or written to a text file, depending on the selected options.

Usage Example:


$ go run main.go --input "word1, word2, word3"


Generated combinations:
- word1word2word3
- word1word3word2
- word2word1word3
- word2word3word1
- word3word1word2
- word3word2word1

Tips and Best Practices:

  • Choose a diverse set of words or numbers for input to generate a wide range of combinations.
  • Experiment with different input sizes to explore the possibilities thoroughly.
  • Utilize the output to assess password strength, conduct security testing, or generate wordlists for various cybersecurity purposes.

Security Considerations:

  • Ensure that you have the necessary authorization to use this tool for password cracking or security testing activities.
  • Respect privacy and legal boundaries while using the generated word combinations.
  • Use the tool responsibly and in alignment with ethical guidelines.

Limitations and Known Issues:

  • Generating word combinations with a large number of input words may result in a substantial number of combinations and significant storage requirements.
  • Be mindful of memory usage when working with extensive input sets.

Feel free to customize the documentation based on your specific tool's features, requirements, and any additional details you would like to include.

Cyber Security tools that need Wordlist

  1. Wireshark:

    • Introduction: Wireshark is a powerful network protocol analyzer used for capturing and analyzing network traffic in real-time.
    • Architecture: It operates by capturing packets from the network interface and provides detailed analysis of protocols, traffic patterns, and network behavior.
    • Testing Capabilities: Wireshark helps in network troubleshooting, protocol analysis, detecting network anomalies, and identifying security threats.
    • Security Benefits: Wireshark assists in monitoring and securing network communications by detecting malicious activities, unauthorized access, and potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Metasploit Framework:

    • Introduction: Metasploit Framework is a comprehensive penetration testing platform that enables security professionals to assess and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
    • Architecture: It consists of various modules, payloads, and exploits, providing a wide range of options for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.
    • Testing Capabilities: Metasploit Framework allows security professionals to simulate real-world attacks, identify system weaknesses, and test the effectiveness of security measures.
    • Security Benefits: The framework aids in identifying and remediating vulnerabilities, strengthening defenses, and improving overall security posture.
  3. Nikto:

    • Introduction: Nikto is an open-source web vulnerability scanner used for assessing the security of web servers and identifying potential vulnerabilities.
    • Architecture: It performs comprehensive scans of web servers, checks for outdated software versions, misconfigurations, and common security issues.
    • Testing Capabilities: Nikto tests for vulnerabilities like outdated software, server misconfigurations, insecure file permissions, and common web application vulnerabilities.
    • Security Benefits: Nikto helps in identifying and remediating vulnerabilities in web servers, preventing potential attacks, and enhancing web application security.
  4. Snort:

    • Introduction: Snort is an open-source Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDS/IPS) used for real-time network traffic analysis and threat detection.
    • Architecture: It combines signature-based detection, protocol analysis, and anomaly detection techniques to identify and respond to potential threats.
    • Testing Capabilities: Snort can detect various types of network-based attacks, including network intrusions, malware activity, and suspicious network traffic patterns.
    • Security Benefits: Snort aids in proactively monitoring and defending networks against known threats, unauthorized access attempts, and potential security breaches.
  5. OpenVAS:

    • Introduction: OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System) is a comprehensive vulnerability scanning and management tool for identifying security flaws in networks and systems.
    • Architecture: It employs a collection of vulnerability tests and plugins to scan target systems, assess their security posture, and generate detailed reports.
    • Testing Capabilities: OpenVAS performs vulnerability assessments, checks for outdated software versions, misconfigurations, and common security weaknesses.
    • Security Benefits: OpenVAS assists in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities, providing insights to remediate weaknesses, and enhancing overall security.
  6. Burp Suite:

    • Introduction: Burp Suite is a comprehensive web application testing framework used for security testing and penetration testing of web applications.
    • Architecture: It consists of multiple tools and modules, including a proxy, scanner, intruder, and repeater, providing a complete testing environment.
    • Testing Capabilities: Burp Suite enables security professionals to identify vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and session hijacking.
    • Security Benefits: Burp Suite helps in finding and remediating web application vulnerabilities, improving application security, and ensuring data protection.
  7. Nessus:

    • Introduction: Nessus is a widely used vulnerability assessment tool that scans and identifies vulnerabilities in networks, systems, and applications.
    • Architecture: It employs a database of vulnerability checks and performs active scanning to discover weaknesses and potential security issues.
    • Testing Capabilities: Nessus scans for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, insecure protocols, and weak passwords across a range of network assets.
    • Security Benefits: Nessus helps in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities, providing remediation guidance, and strengthening overall security.
  8. Hydra:

    • Introduction: Hydra is a powerful online password cracking tool that performs brute-force and dictionary-based attacks to crack user passwords.
    • Architecture: It supports various protocols and services, such as SSH, FTP, HTTP, and databases, to test the strength of user credentials.
    • Testing Capabilities: Hydra helps in assessing password security, identifying weak or easily guessable passwords, and highlighting potential vulnerabilities.
    • Security Benefits: Hydra assists in evaluating the effectiveness of password policies, reinforcing password security, and enhancing authentication mechanisms.
  9. OSSEC:

    • Introduction: OSSEC (Open Source HIDS SECurity) is an open-source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) used for real-time threat detection and log analysis.
    • Architecture: It combines log analysis, integrity checking, and active response capabilities to monitor systems for potential security breaches.
    • Testing Capabilities: OSSEC detects anomalies, unauthorized access attempts, file system changes, and suspicious behavior on monitored hosts.
    • Security Benefits: OSSEC helps in early detection of security incidents, rapid response to threats, and improving overall system security.
  10. John the Ripper:

    • Introduction: John the Ripper is a popular password cracking tool that performs dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks to uncover weak passwords.
    • Architecture: It supports various password hash types and utilizes advanced algorithms to crack password hashes stored in files or databases.
    • Testing Capabilities: John the Ripper helps in assessing password strength, identifying weak or easily crackable passwords, and reinforcing password security.
    • Security Benefits: John the Ripper assists in testing the effectiveness of password policies, improving password security, and promoting stronger authentication practices.
  11. Aircrack-ng:

    • Introduction: Aircrack-ng is a network security tool suite used for auditing wireless networks and assessing their security vulnerabilities.
    • Architecture: It combines packet capture and analysis, password cracking, and various network attack techniques to assess wireless network security.
    • Testing Capabilities: Aircrack-ng can crack WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption, perform packet injection, and conduct network reconnaissance.
    • Security Benefits: Aircrack-ng aids in identifying and mitigating wireless network vulnerabilities, securing Wi-Fi networks, and preventing unauthorized access.
  12. OWASP Zap:

    • Introduction: OWASP Zap (Zed Attack Proxy) is a widely used open-source web application security scanner and penetration testing tool.
    • Architecture: It provides an interactive scanning interface, proxy functionality, and a wide range of security testing features for web applications.
    • Testing Capabilities: OWASP Zap detects common web application vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQL injection, CSRF, and insecure direct object references.
    • Security Benefits: OWASP Zap helps in identifying and remediating web application vulnerabilities, enhancing application security, and preventing attacks.
  13. Nmap:

    • Introduction: Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful network scanning and reconnaissance tool used for network exploration and security auditing.
    • Architecture: It utilizes various scanning techniques, including port scanning, OS fingerprinting, service detection, and vulnerability scanning.
    • Testing Capabilities: Nmap allows security professionals to discover open ports, identify network services, and assess network security posture.
    • Security Benefits: Nmap aids in network mapping, identifying potential security risks, and strengthening network defenses against known vulnerabilities.
  14. GnuPG:

    • Introduction: GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is an open-source encryption and digital signature tool used for secure communication and data protection.
    • Architecture: It implements the OpenPGP standard and provides encryption, decryption, and key management capabilities.
    • Testing Capabilities: GnuPG enables secure communication, data integrity, and confidentiality by encrypting and signing sensitive information.
    • Security Benefits: GnuPG helps in protecting sensitive data, ensuring secure communication, and preventing unauthorized access or tampering.
  15. Hashcat:

    • Introduction: Hashcat is an advanced password recovery and cracking tool used for cracking password hashes using various attack methods.
    • Architecture: It supports a wide range of hash types and employs highly optimized algorithms for efficient password cracking.
    • Testing Capabilities: Hashcat can crack password hashes obtained from various sources, including databases, operating systems, and applications.
    • Security Benefits: Hashcat aids in assessing the strength of password hashes, identifying weak password storage practices, and reinforcing password security.

These are just a few examples of the many tools available in the cybersecurity domain. Each tool has its unique features, testing capabilities, and security benefits. Remember to use these tools responsibly and in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines.

Digital Forensics tool that require word list

Apologies for the confusion earlier. Here are 10 tools in the field of digital forensics that utilize wordlists:

  1. Bulk Extractor:

    • Introduction: Bulk Extractor is a digital forensics tool that can search for specific patterns or keywords in large datasets using wordlists.
    • Architecture: It scans disk images, memory dumps, or other data sources to extract relevant information based on user-defined wordlists.
    • Usage: Bulk Extractor can assist in finding specific keywords, email addresses, URLs, credit card numbers, or other patterns of interest in forensic investigations.
  2. Log2timeline:

    • Introduction: Log2timeline is a forensic timeline analysis tool that can incorporate wordlists to filter and search through log files.
    • Architecture: It parses and normalizes log files from different sources, and by utilizing wordlists, investigators can focus on specific events or keywords.
    • Usage: Log2timeline helps investigators identify relevant activities or events based on provided wordlists, enabling efficient timeline analysis.
  3. RegexSearch:

    • Introduction: RegexSearch is a tool used in digital forensics to search for specific patterns or keywords using regular expressions (regex).
    • Architecture: Investigators can provide wordlists containing regex patterns to search through file systems, memory dumps, or other data sources.
    • Usage: RegexSearch assists in finding evidence or artifacts that match specific patterns defined in the provided wordlists, such as social security numbers, phone numbers, or email addresses.
  4. Scalpel:

    • Introduction: Scalpel is a file carving tool used in digital forensics to recover files based on predefined headers and footers in a wordlist.
    • Architecture: Investigators can define file types and their corresponding headers and footers in a configuration file or wordlist for Scalpel to perform file carving.
    • Usage: Scalpel assists in the recovery of specific file types based on the provided wordlist, such as images, documents, or video files.
  5. Photorec:

    • Introduction: Photorec is a file recovery tool commonly used in digital forensics to recover deleted files based on their signatures and extensions, which can be defined in a wordlist.
    • Architecture: Investigators can provide a wordlist containing file signatures and extensions to instruct Photorec on what types of files to recover.
    • Usage: Photorec helps in the recovery of specific file types based on the provided wordlist, such as images, videos, documents, or archives.
  6. Binwalk:

    • Introduction: Binwalk is a tool used for analyzing and extracting data from binary files, and it can utilize wordlists to identify embedded files or signatures.
    • Architecture: By using wordlists, investigators can define specific signatures or keywords to search for within binary files during the analysis process.
    • Usage: Binwalk assists in identifying and extracting specific data or files based on the provided wordlist, such as firmware images or hidden information within binaries.
  7. Foremost:

    • Introduction: Foremost is a file carving tool designed to recover specific file types based on their headers, footers, and file extensions, which can be defined in a wordlist.
    • Architecture: Investigators can provide a wordlist containing the file types and their associated headers, footers, or extensions to guide Foremost in file recovery.
    • Usage: Foremost helps in the recovery of specific file types based on the provided wordlist, such as images, videos, audio files, or documents.
  8. Volatility Plugins:

    • Introduction: Volatility is a memory forensics framework, and various plugins available for Volatility can leverage wordlists to search for specific data or artifacts in memory dumps.
    • Architecture: Investigators can provide wordlists containing keywords, URLs, process names, or other patterns of interest to the relevant Volatility plugins.
    • Usage: Volatility plugins utilize the provided wordlists to identify and extract specific data or artifacts from memory dumps, aiding in the investigation of live systems.
  9. OSForensics:

    • Introduction: OSForensics is a comprehensive digital forensics tool that incorporates various features, including the ability to search for specific keywords or patterns using wordlists.
    • Architecture: Investigators can define wordlists containing keywords, email addresses, URLs, or other patterns to conduct searches within file systems, memory dumps, or other data sources.
    • Usage: OSForensics assists in searching for and identifying specific data or artifacts based on the provided wordlists, enhancing the efficiency of forensic investigations.
  10. RegRipper:

  • Introduction: RegRipper is a Windows Registry analysis tool that utilizes wordlists to search for specific Registry keys, values, or patterns of interest.
  • Architecture: Investigators can define wordlists containing keywords, Registry key names, or other patterns to guide RegRipper in extracting relevant information from the Windows Registry.
  • Usage: RegRipper helps in the identification of specific Registry entries or artifacts based on the provided wordlists, aiding in the analysis of Windows systems.