- 1
Add non-greenhouse gas emission species
#47 opened by danielhuppmann - 7
Conversion of monetary units
#25 opened by danielhuppmann - 0
Adjust for pint 0.20
#40 opened by khaeru - 8
- 1
- 1
Add defs based on MIT Energy Club fact sheet
#24 opened by khaeru - 4
Package for conda-forge
#22 opened by khaeru - 0
- 0
Test GWP conversions with vectors
#11 opened by khaeru - 2
Refactor defs to avoid defining non-quantities
#12 opened by khaeru - 1
pint can't handle kilotons (kt)
#13 opened by danielhuppmann - 5
- 1
Establish a Python package
#15 opened by khaeru - 13
CO2-eq units (plus design decisions)
#9 opened by gidden - 2
Collaboration with SzenarienDB
#3 opened by Ludee - 7