This repository contains R functions to evaluate the quality of projections obtained after using dimensionality reduction techniques. A nextjournal notebook is associated to this repository and uses the functions described in this README file to evaluate the quality of a molecular map of lung neuroendocrine tumors produced using the UMAP algorithm.
This function computes the sequence difference (SD) view metric value for a single given sample (i), following the equation 3 described by Martins et al. in 2015. This dissimilarity metric compares the k-neighborhood of a given sample in two different dimensional spaces. The lower is the SD value, the better is the neighborhood preservation.
dist_space1: vector containing the distances of sample i to all samples in space1
dist_space2: vector containing the distances of sample i to all samples in space2
k: number of neighbors considered
A numeric value corresponding to the SD value is returned.
This function computes the SD metric for all samples included in the dimensionality reduction. The metric is computed to compare one or multiple comparison reduced spaces to a the reference space. The SD values are computed for several k values (number of neighbors to consider).
compute_SD_allSamples(distRef,List_projection,k_values,colnames_res_df, threads=2)
distRef: vector containing the distances of sample i to all samples in the reference space
List_projection: list of data frames where each data frame contains the coordinates of all samples in each reduced space for which the SD metric needs to be calculated.
k_values: vector listing the k values corresponding to the number of neighbors considered
colnames_res_df: vector specifying the colnames associated to the computed SD values in the returned data frame. The vector should have the same length as List_projection
- Data frame containing a column with the samples IDs, a column correspoding to the k values, and n colunms containing the SD values, n corresponding to the number of data frames listed in List_projection.
This function allows to display, on a two dimensional projection, the samples SD values averaged over different values of k (number of neighbors considered to compute the SD metric).
SD_map_f(SD_df, Coords_df, legend_pos = "right")
SD_df: a data frame resulting from the call to the function compute_SD_allSamples. The data frame contains the following columns: i) the samples IDs, ii) k values, the number of neighbors considered to compute the SD metric, and iii) the SD values
Coords_df: data frame containing the coordinates of each sample in the projection to use for the representation of the samples
legend_pos: Optional argument to define the position of the legend
A list containing:
- A data frame containing the same columns as Coords_df and a column corresponding to the averaged SD values over k.
- The plot representing all samples in a two dimensional space. A color gradient is used to represent the SD values averaged over the k levels.
This function allows to compute the Moran’s Index autocorrelation coefficient for a given feature used in the dimensionality reduction technique, for different levels of the parameter k which corresponds to the number of samples to consider for the samples neighborhood definition. The MI values are computed using the Moran.I function from the R package ape.
moran_I_knn(expr_data , spatial_data, listK)
expr_data: matrix containing, for each sample (in rows), the values of the features (in columns) for which the MI values will be calculated
spatial_data: matrix containing the coordinates of each sample in the projection used to define the samples neighborhood
listK: vector listing the k values corresponding to the number of samples considered to define samples neighborhood
- MI_array: 3D array containing the MI values and their associated p-values for each feature (in columns), and each k level (in rows).