
My custom WordPress template

Primary LanguagePHP


My custom WordPress template

This template works best when downloaded as a zip file and then copied to the project directory.

The template is made to be renamed:

  • wp-content/themes/basetheme-child/ directory should be renamed to one that suits the project.
  • Inside wp-content/themes/basetheme-child/style.css there are various placeholders that should be replaced across the project
    • CLIENT_NAME: A human readable version of the client's name
    • CLIENTNAME: A machine readable version of the client's name. Accepted characters are the same as for PHP variables.
    • Theme Prefix (basethemechild_): Should be replaced with a 3-4 character representation of the client name. E.g. My Awesome Client would become mae_. This helps to prevent naming collisions among global PHP, WordPress and theme functions.

For more details on how to use see the README.md file in the wp-content/themes/basetheme-child/ directory.