
UI for Code Review Automation tool created as a project during collaboration between Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and SAP Labs.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Efficient Code Review Automation Tool (Client)

This is project is a tool designed to upload Python, Java or Javascript projects to AWS's Codeguru Reviewer Service and provide Security and Code Quality reccomendations for the user. This repository contains the frontend deployment for the project.

Tech Stack : Next.js React.js TailwindCSS Typescript

Backend Repository link here.


The project allows users to upload their file to AWS S3 repositories and get them reviewed by the Codeguru Reviewer service. The user can create multiple projects and can view the recommendatinons for each one, which will be displayed alongside the particular file's content for which the recommendation is generated.

UI Screenshots

  1. Registration Screen Registration Screen
  2. Login Screen Login Screen
  3. Dashboard Screen Dashboard Screen
  4. Create Repository Screen Repository Screen
  5. Before Code Review No Review Screen
  6. File Upload Screen Upload Screen
  7. After Code Review With Review Screen

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository into your local Linux environment.
  2. cd to the destination folder
  3. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run the React app:
npm run dev

Open the http://localhost:3000/ to see the application running.

Remember to check if the server is configured and running for the web app to work. By default it should be running on http://localhost:5000/api.

Team Members

  1. Amruta Varshini : Front-end Developer
  2. Dhaksana R : Front-end Developer
  3. Ritesh Koushik : Full-Stack Developer
  4. Sudharsan Vanamali : Back-end Developer
  5. Senthil Adithya V : Back-end Developer