-c, --craigslistUrl Required. Craigslist URL for the target location and job category. EX: http://nyc.craigslist.org/search/sof
-g, --gmailAddress Required. Address of the Gmail account used to send emails. EX: bob@gmail.com
-p, --gmailPassword Required. Password to the Gmail account.
-m, --messageFile Required. File containing the email message.
-a, --attachments Files that will be attached to the email. Separated by ',' without spaces. EX:resume.pdf,coverLetter.pdf
-o, --sentEmailsOutputFile Required. File used to log email addresses that have already received emails. Used to avoid sending duplicates.
-s, --secondsBetweenEmails <Default: 5> Seconds to wait between emails. Used to avoid Craigslist spam filters.
--blacklistedTitleWordsFile File that contains blacklisted title words (one per line). Will not email if the job has any of these words in its title
--blacklistedDescriptionWordsFile File that contains blacklisted description words (one per line). Will not email if the job has any of these words in its description
--whitelistedTitleWordsFile File that contains whitelisted title words (one per line). Will only email if the job has at least one of these words in its title
--whitelistedDescriptionWordsFile File that contains whitelisted description words (one per line). Will only email if the job has at least one of these words in its description
--help Display this help screen
Example usage: CraigslistJobApplier.exe -c http://nyc.craigslist.org/search/sof -g bob@gmail.com -p hunter2 -m applicationBlurb.txt -a resume.pdf,coverLetter.pdf -o emailsLog.txt