
This repo houses the issue tracker for the various IAmTimCorey sites. If you come across an issue or want to suggest a feature for the websites, this is the place.

IAmTimCorey Issue Tracker

This repo houses the issue tracker for the various IAmTimCorey sites. If you come across an issue or want to suggest a feature for the websites, this is the place. This is NOT the place for content suggestions. The place for those is on the Suggestion Site.

This covers the following sites:

IAmTimCorey Main Site


The main website with everything that we provide.

Suggestion Site


This site is where you add your suggestions for future content.

Mailing List Sign-up


If you want to sign up for the mailing list, this is the place.

C# Mastercourse Site


If you want to learn C#, this is the course to take.

Sites Not Covered

  • Courses site - the hosting for our paid courses is on Teachable. We do not have control over site outages, network slowdowns, or other issues related to that site. Here is the Teachable status link: https://www.teachablestatus.com/ If you do encounter a problem with the site and cannot get help from Teachable, you can email help@iamtimcorey.com and we will do what we can.