
A sample implementation that creates a custom Prometheus metric, to keep track of all the Service Account(SA)s that are bound to the Security Context Constraint(SCC)s and triggers an alert for any mismatch.

Primary LanguageGo


A sample implementation that creates a custom Prometheus metric, to keep track of all the Service Account(SA)s that are bound to the Security Context Constraint(SCC)s and triggers an alert for any mismatch.


OpenShift Container Platform ships with a pre-configured and self-updating monitoring stack that is based on the Prometheus open source project and its wider eco-system. It provides monitoring of cluster components and ships with a set of alerts to immediately notify the cluster administrator about any occurring problems and a set of Grafana dashboards.

However most of the default metrics defined in Prometheus is around Performance monitoring. If we want to monitor the cluster for security state using Prometheus, there are not many metrics that could be useful. So in this sample, we demonstrate how we can monitor the security stance of an OpenShift cluster using Prometheus, by creating a custom Prometheus metric.

Prometheus SCC Metric

This sample implementation, creates a custom Prometheus metric, to keep track of all the Service Account(SA)s that are bound to the Security Context Constraint(SCC)s. It provides a way to specify which SAs are allowed to be bound to a given SCC. It creates an alert, if a new SA is bound to the SCC which implies that the SCC context is used in projects for which it is not permitted to. It also creates an alert when a new SCC is created. This gives the cluster administrator a chance to look at the security state and take actions as appropriate.

Deployment Steps

Create Docker Image

  1. docker build . -t prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0

    Successfully built e8babc5b30e8
    Successfully tagged prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0
  2. docker save prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0 > prometheus-scc-metrics.tar

Add Image to Cluster's Local Image Registry

  1. Copy prometheus-scc-metrics.tar to cluster

  2. oc login

  3. Create OS Project: oc new-project scc-monitoring

  4. podman load < prometheus-scc-metrics.tar

    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob 50644c29ef5a skipped: already exists
    Copying blob dee768bb77ff skipped: already exists
    Copying blob 5b6857b0792a done
    Copying config e8babc5b30 done
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Loaded image(s): localhost/prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0
  5. podman login -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t) --tls-verify=false $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}')

    Login Succeeded!
  6. Retrieve Image ID via podman images

    REPOSITORY      TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    localhost/prometheus-scc-metrics   v1.0.0   e8babc5b30e8   7 minutes ago   31.5 MB
  7. podman tag e8babc5b30e8 $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/scc-monitoring/prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0

  8. podman push --tls-verify=false $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/scc-monitoring/prometheus-scc-metrics:v1.0.0

    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob 50644c29ef5a skipped: already exists
    Copying blob 5b6857b0792a skipped: already exists
    Copying blob dee768bb77ff skipped: already exists
    Copying config e8babc5b30 done
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures

Creating Kubernetes Objects

  1. cd manifests
  2. oc login
  3. oc project scc-monitoring
  4. oc create -f cluster-role-binding.yaml
  5. oc create -f service-account.yaml
  6. oc policy add-role-to-user view "system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s" -n scc-monitoring
  7. oc create -f configmap.yaml
  8. oc create -f deployment.yaml
  9. oc create -f service.yaml
  10. oc create -f service-monitor.yaml
  11. oc create -f prometheus-rule.yaml

Prometheus Metrics

Exposed Metric: In the Metrics page, we could see the scc_users metric.


We can also use PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) to filter the metric.



manifests/prometheus-rule.yaml declares the Alert that will get triggered.

if any scc_users metric returns a value of 0 for 1 minute, this warning alert will get triggered.

The allowed configuration for each SCC in terms of the allowed Service Accounts to bind to the SCC can be defined conveniently in the configmap manifests/configmap.yaml . Any violation from the above rule would trigger an alert.


In this example we have demonstrated how we can monitor the SCC for the Service Accounts that are bound to the SCCs. Similar rule could be applied for users / groups that could be bound to the SCC. The program could also be customized for other scenarios as well.