To evaluate clustering algorithms you can use Silhouette, which measures the separation of clusters and inter-cluster distance. See Performance Metrics in Machine Learning — Part 3: Clustering.
- IBM Watson Studio: Build and train AI models in one integrated environment
- Collaborate on Watson Studio projects
- IBM Watson Studio: Collaborate on projects
- Visualize data with Brunel in Jupyter notebooks with Watson Studio
- IBM Watson Studio: Load and analyze public data sets
- Create a custom environment for Jupyter notebooks in Watson Studio
- Analyze precipitation data using a sample notebook in a project: Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
- IBM Watson Studio: Manage object storage
- IBM Watson Studio Desktop Intro Video
- Create a folder asset connection in a Watson Studio project: Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
- Manage object storage: Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
- Get Started with Watson Machine Learning in IBM Cloud
- Explore and prepare data - Tutorial part 1: Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
- Build and deploy a machine learning model - Tutorial part 2: Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
- How to deploy a machine learning model using a Jupyter notebook in Watson Studio?
- IBM Watson Machine Learning: Build a Binary Classification model using an AutoAI Experiment
- Run an AutoAI Experiment to build a Watson Machine Learning model: Cloud Pak for Data 3.5 - Binary classification model for a marketing campaign
- IBM Watson Machine Learning: Build a multiclass classification model by running an AutoAI experiment
- IBM Watson Machine Learning: Run a sample AutoAI experiment to create a machine learning model
- IBM Watson Machine Learning: Join data sets in AutoAI to create models
- IBM Watson Machine Learning: AutoAI user experience analysis: AutoAI data join multi-classification tutorial
- Watson Assistant Tooling Overview
- IBM Watson Assistant: Intents
- IBM Watson Assistant: Intent Recommendations
- IBM Watson Assistant: Dialog
- Watson Assistant – Slots tutorial: part 1, part 2
- Watson Assistant – Advanced dialog tutorial
- IBM Watson Assistant: Search Skill
- IBM Watson Assistant: Access Control
- IBM Watson Assistant: Web Chat
- Watson Assistant Disambiguation
- How to request Wikipedia API via Watson Assistant Webhooks
- Watson Assistant Intent Conflict Resolution