
Samples for using Code Engine

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CII Best Practices

Tutorials and Samples for IBM Cloud Code Engine

This repository is split into two types of educational material: Tutorials and Samples.

Tutorials are meant to be complete end-to-end scenarios designed to teach you about Code Engine as if you have limited knowledge of Cloud Native technologies. Each provides a step-by-step guide walking you through the process of deploying a certain type of workload - explaining, in detail, each step in the process. The goal is to not simply have you copy-n-paste each command but rather to understand the "whys" of what's going on so you can apply what you've learned to one of your own projects.

Samples are meant to be "quick-start" tasks that help developers perform one very specific task. They do not include extra verbose help text or explanations, rather they are designed for people who have a basic understanding of Cloud Native technologies and want a quick reminder of how to perform a certain task in the Code Engine environment. Most samples will be relatively small so that it can be re-used easily and integrated into a larger use-case.

Getting Started

Code Engine requires that you use an IBM Cloud "paid account", even if you don't plan on going beyond the free tier.

Cloud Shell

The easiest way to run these are via the IBM Cloud Shell service. This is a browser based command line that will have all of the IBM Cloud CLI components pre-installed for you.

To ensure you have the latest versions of each CLI plugin, run:

$ ibmcloud plugin update --all --force

once you're in the shell.

Your Own Machine

If you choose to use your own machine, then the following need to be installed:

Let's go!

Once you have your environment ready, look at the README for the Tutorial or Sample of interest to know if you'll need to clone this git repository first. Most of the Samples will require it since it involves executing their run script. The tutorials will try to avoid this requirement.

If you need, or want, to clone this repo simple execute:

$ git clone https://github.com/IBM/CodeEngine

and then cd into the CodeEngine directory.

If you have not already specified your IBM Cloud resource group, then see the:

$ ibmcloud resource groups
$ ibmcloud target --help

commands for more information. Often it is called default or Default.

Most of the material in here assumes you aleady have a Code Engine project already created. If you do not, go ahead and create one like this:

$ ibmcloud ce project create --name demos

With that, cd into the directory of interest, and read the README to see how to get started.


  • Gallery
    Walks through the complete growth path of a solution from the prototype stage through to production - showcasing how to the various components, like applications, functions and jobs can be work together to implement a solution.

  • Thumbnail Generator
    Walks through the complete growth path of an application from the prototype stage through to production - demonstrating how to switch from an in-app processor to one where the data is persisted and processed via an event-driven architecture.


The samples are grouped by the main category of functionality that it is demonstrating.


  • hello
    Very basic "hello world!" type of application written in Node.js. Start here!
  • helloworld
    Similar to hello except this is written in golang and adds a few bells-n-whistles to allow you to control what it does when invoked.
  • auth
    This shows how to setup an nginx proxy in-front of a private application to ensure that only authorized people can access it.
  • bash
    This shows how you can create an application from a bash script without the need to write your own HTTP server.
  • bind-app
    This will create an instance of Event Streams in the IBM Cloud and then ask Code Engine to bind it to an Application so we can access it from the App. The credentials, etc. will be injected into the App via environment variables.
  • cecli
    Show how to invoke the Code Engine CLI from within an App. This can be used to then start additional Code Engine resources (Apps/Jobs) dynamically. Same logic could be used in Batch Jobs.
  • private
    Show how to create a "private" application that is only accessible from within the project (no external/internet access).
  • sessions
    Starts a stateful application that scales based on load. The state is kept in an instance of Redis, also running within Code Engine. Demonstrates the use of non-http components and private networking between components.
  • websocket Shows how to interact with an Application via WebSockets.

Batch Jobs

  • job
    This will create a Batch Job that will print basic debugging information to the logs, and then show those logs. It'll create the Batch Job with and without a Job definition to show both options.
  • testjob
    This is another simple Batch Job sample, similar to the previous one, but shows how to use environment variables to modify the behavior of the runtime of the job.
  • cronjob
    This will create a Batch Job that will be invoked based on a cron event. Meaning, it'll be executed based on a timer.
  • app-n-job
    This will use the same image for both an Application and a Batch Job. Just to show that it's possible.
  • app2job
    This will show how to submit a Job from an Application based on an incoming HTTP request to the Application.
  • function2job
    This will show how to submit a Job from a Function based on an incoming HTTP request to the Function.
  • bind-job
    This will create an instance of Event Streams in the IBM Cloud and then ask Code Engine to bind it to a Batch Job so we can access it from the Job. The credentials, etc. will be injected into the Job via environment variables.
  • job2app
    This will demostrate how to create a simple Batch Job and how to have it communicate with an Application running within the same project.
  • job2vsi
    The sample shows how a job can be used to spawn Virtual Server Instances (VSIs) in your IBM Cloud account and run workload on them.



  • s2i-buildpacks
    This will show how to use the source-to-image feature of Code Engine to build an Application from a git repo (using a Buildpack), push it to a private registry, and then deploy an Application using that image.
  • s2i-dockerfile
    This will show how to use the source-to-image feature of Code Engine to build an Application from a git repo (using a Dockerfile), push it to a private registry, and then deploy an app using that image.


  • cron
    This will show how to setup a simple Cron Event Source and send its events to an Application.
  • cronjob
    This will create a Batch Job that will be invoked based on a cron event. Meaning, it'll be executed based on a timer.
  • cos-event
    This will show how to setup a COS Event Source and send its events to an Application.
  • cos2cos
    This will show how you can use eventing to monitor changes in a Cloud Object Storage bucket, and then act on those changes by processing any new files in the bucket and then uploading a new object into a secondary bucket. It can also get Cron events to periodically check for missed files.
  • github
    This sample will show how to get events from Github (via its webhooks) delivered to a Code Engine Application.
  • kafka
    This sample shows how to create a Kafka subscription to automatically have messages in a Kafka instances delivered to an application.
  • cloudant-change-listener
    This is a sample of a Cloudant Databases changes listener that continously listen on all changes in a database. For each change a Code Engine function is invoked


  • configmaps-env
    Shows how to define and inject a ConfigMap as environment variables into an Application.
  • configmaps-vol
    Shows how to define and inject a ConfigMap as a volume into an Application.
  • secrets-env
    Shows how to define and inject a Secret as environment variables into an Application.
  • secrets-vol
    Shows how to define and inject a Secret as a volume into an Application.

Layout of the repository

These are designed such that they should be able to be fully built and used by anyone. Unless otherwise noted the overall pattern that will be followed is:

  • a build script shows how each container image used in the sample is built. By default, the script will push the image to the icr.io/codeengine namespace, so to use this yourself you'll need to set the REGISTRY environment variable to your own registry and/or namespace. Also, you MUST use a registry that allows for anonymous/public downloads of your images, since as of now (to keep the scripts simple) they do not deal with private registry access tokens by default.
    • However, if you do decide to push your images into a registry that is private, you'll need to modify the run scripts to specify the --registry-secret option on the app and job creation commands to point to your secret that includes the registry credentials.
  • a run script will execute the sample. Most will also include logic to verify the output to ensure everything is working as expected. As with build, it will default to using the icr.io/codeengine container images, so to use your own you'll need to set the REGISTRY environment variable. This means that you should be able to just execute run without running build first, and it'll just use the pre-built images from icr.io/codeengine.
    • invoking run clean should clean up from any previous execution without re-running the sample.

Additional Resources

You may also open issues and PRs in the repository too.