
Vagrant / Ansible automation to deploy Ceph clusters

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Vagrant / Ansible IBM Storage Ceph Deployment


This is an opinionated automated deployment of a IBM Storage Ceph 7.x cluster installation based on RHEL9 up to the point where you run the preflight Ansible playbook.

IBM Storage Ceph Screenshot


The code to facilitate automated subscription-manager registration was derived from the https://github.com/agarthetiger/vagrant-rhel8 project.

Copyright notice:

# Copyright contributors to the rhcs5-vagrant project.
# Based on vagrant-rhel8 code - Copyright (c) 2019 Andrew Garner


You need a Linux host that is ideally equipped with 64GB+ RAM and 8+ vCPUs. The configuration can be adjusted to make the deployment work on less capable hardware.

Fedora Linux (IBM OpenClient for Fedora) was used to develop this automation. Of course the instructions below can be adopted to other Linux variants with their respective package manager commands.

  • Vagrant: sudo dnf -y install vagrant
  • QEM/KVM/libvirt: sudo dnf -y install qemu libvirt libvirt-devel ruby-devel gcc
  • Vagrant libvirt Provider: For Fedora use sudo dnf -y install vagrant-libvirt. Check for a package available for your Linux distribution before trying to install with vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt.
  • Vagrant Hostmanager plugin: For Fedora use sudo dnf -y install vagrant-hostmanager. Check for a package available for your Linux distribution before trying to install with vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager.
  • Ansible: sudo dnf -y install ansible.

The host needs internet connectivity to download the required packages and container images.

Tested with

  • Fedora 36: Vagrant 2.2.19, vagrant-libvirt 0.7.0 and Ansible 5.9.0
  • Fedora 37: Vagrant 2.2.19, vagrant-libvirt 0.7.0 and Ansible 7.1.0
  • Fedora 38: Vagrant 2.2.19, vagrant-libvirt 0.7.0 and Ansible 7.7.0
  • Fedora 39: Vagrant 2.3.4, vagrant-libvirt 0.11.2 and Ansible 9.0.0

You need a subscription for RHEL and a pull secret for IBM Storage Ceph.

Finally you need to create a private/public key pair in the ceph-prep directory:

cd ceph-prep
# use empty password when prompted
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./id_rsa
cd ..

There are some options that you can set in the Vagrantfile, look at the section marked with Some parameters that can be adjusted.


Bring up the Cluster by setting the environment variables with your Red Hat credentials then start the vagrant/ansible driven deployment:

export RH_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGER_USER=<your Red Hat username>
export RH_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGER_PW=<your Red Hat password>
# For debugging: vagrant up --no-parallel --no-destroy-on-error
vagrant up --no-parallel

The vagrant deployment will automatically subscribe the machines at Red Hat.

To finalize the installation, ssh into the ceph-admin node and execute the preflight Ansible playbook:

vagrant ssh ceph-admin
cd /usr/share/cephadm-ansible/
ansible-playbook -i inventory/production/hosts cephadm-preflight.yml --extra-vars "ceph_origin=ibm"

For the next step you need to set the environment variables again on the ceph-admin node:

export IBM_CR_USERNAME=<your IBM Container Registry user name>
export IBM_CR_PASSWORD=<your IBM Container Registry Entitlement key>

Then you can continue with bootstrapping the cluster:

sudo cephadm bootstrap --cluster-network --mon-ip --registry-url cp.icr.io/cp --registry-username $IBM_CR_USERNAME  --registry-password $IBM_CR_PASSWORD
ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@ceph-server-1
ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@ceph-server-2
ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@ceph-server-3

Note down the admin password that the cephadm bootstrap command printed. You will need it for logging into the console the first time.


You can now complete the installation by logging into the IBM Storage Ceph GUI to

  • change the password. You will be prompted automatically, the initial password is the one you noted above as cephadm bootstrap output.
  • activate telemetry module. See the warning on top of the screen after logging in.
  • add nodes using Cluster->Hosts->Create. Use ceph-server-1 with IP, ceph-server-2 with IP, ceph-server-3 with IP
  • add OSDs. Please wait until all ceph-server nodes are active, this might take up to 10 minutes. When active, Cluster->Hosts shows mon service instances on all nodes. Add OSDs via Cluster->OSDs->Create.

Most of the following is taken from the course Hands-on with Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 with some improvements applied.

Note: When creating an RBD image, ensure that you do not have the Exclusive Lock option set, otherwise there might be access issues mapping the RBD volume on the client.

The following sections provide additional commands (on the ceph-admin node) to configure RBD access, CephFS and RGW S3 and Swift access.

Configure Block (RBD) access

vagrant ssh ceph-admin
# Create RBD pool
sudo ceph osd pool create rbd 64
sudo ceph osd pool application enable rbd rbd
# Create RBD user
sudo ceph auth get-or-create client.harald -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.harald.keyring
sudo ceph auth caps client.harald mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rwx'
sudo ceph auth list
# Create RBD image
sudo rbd create rbd/test --size=128M
sudo rbd ls

Configure File (CephFS) access

# Create CephFS
sudo ceph fs volume create fs_name --placement=ceph-server-1,ceph-server-2
sudo ceph fs volume ls
cat <<EOF >mds.yaml 
service_type: mds
service_id: fs_name
  count: 2
sudo ceph orch apply -i mds.yaml
sudo ceph orch ls
sudo ceph orch ps
sudo ceph -s
sudo ceph df
sudo ceph fs status fs_name
# Authorize client file system access and grant quota and snapshot rights
sudo ceph fs authorize fs_name client.0 / rwps
sudo ceph auth get client.0 -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.0.keyring

Configure Object (RGW) access

# Create RGW

# Note that this is due to the low number of OSDs
# While we're setting it on global level to silence the warnings setting it
# on OSD and Mon level would have been sufficient. Setting it on Mon level as
# documented does not silence the warning.
sudo ceph config set global mon_max_pg_per_osd 512
sudo radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=test_realm --default
sudo radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=default --master --default
sudo radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=default --rgw-zone=test_zone --master --default
sudo radosgw-admin period update --rgw-realm=test_realm --commit
sudo ceph orch apply rgw test --realm=test_realm --zone=test_zone --placement="2 ceph-server-2 ceph-server-3"
sudo ceph orch ls
sudo ceph orch ps
sudo ceph -s
sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid='user1' --display-name='First User' --access-key='S3user1' --secret-key='S3user1key'
sudo radosgw-admin subuser create --uid='user1' --subuser='user1:swift' --secret-key='Swiftuser1key' --access=full
sudo radosgw-admin user info --uid='user1'


Now use the created resources on the ceph-client node.

RBD volume access

vagrant ssh ceph-client
# Add the configuration according to the admin node equivalent
sudo vi /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
# Add the client keyring according to the admin node equivalent
sudo vi /etc/ceph/ceph.client.harald.keyring
# Create a block device
sudo rbd --id harald ls
sudo rbd --id harald map rbd/test
sudo rbd --id harald showmapped
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/rbd0
sudo mkdir /mnt/rbd
sudo mount -o user /dev/rbd0 /mnt/rbd/
sudo chown vagrant:vagrant /mnt/rbd/
echo "hello world" > /mnt/rbd/hello.txt

CephFS file access

# Add the 0 keyring file according to the admin node equivalent
sudo vi /etc/ceph/ceph.client.0.keyring
sudo mkdir /mnt/cephfs
sudo mount -t ceph ceph-server-1:6789:/ /mnt/cephfs -o name=0,fs=fs_name
sudo chown vagrant:vagrant /mnt/cephfs
df -h
echo "hello world" > /mnt/cephfs/hello.txt

RGW OpenStack Swift object access

sudo dnf -y install python3-pip
pip3 install --user python-swiftclient
sudo rados --id harald lspools
swift -A http://ceph-server-2:80/auth/1.0 -U user1:swift -K 'Swiftuser1key' list
swift -A http://ceph-server-2:80/auth/1.0 -U user1:swift -K 'Swiftuser1key' post container-1
swift -A http://ceph-server-2:80/auth/1.0 -U user1:swift -K 'Swiftuser1key' list
base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 10000000 >dummy_file1.txt
swift -A http://ceph-server-2:80/auth/1.0 -U user1:swift -K 'Swiftuser1key' upload container-1 dummy_file1.txt 

RGW S3 object access

Here we are actually testing S3 client access to the same data that was stored using the Swift protocol. When asked for the access key, put in S3user1, for the secret key use S3user1key.

pip3 install --user awscli
echo "Put in S3user1 as access key and S3user1key as secret key"
aws configure --profile ceph
aws --profile ceph --endpoint http://ceph-server-2 s3 ls
aws --profile ceph --endpoint s3 ls s3://container-1

Grafana Performance Dashboards

By default, the Grafana dashboards that as part of the Web UI "Overall Performance" tabs will not show up. To fix this, you need to

  1. Add ceph-admin to /etc/hosts on your host: ceph-admin
  2. Open a browser tab and point it to https://ceph-admin:3000, then accept the self-signed certificate

Afterwards the Grafana dashboards should show up in the respective "Overall Performance" tabs for Hosts, OSDs, Pools, Images, File Systems, and Object Gateway Daemons.

Reducing to 3 mons

After adding all nodes, a count of 5 mons is set while only four nodes are available, thus only four mons will be running:

vagrant ssh ceph-admin
$ sudo ceph orch ls
mon                                 4/5  2m ago     5w   count:5

To get a better balanced state, reduce the number of mons to 3:

cat <<EOF>3-mons.yaml
service_type: mon
service_name: mon
  count: 3
sudo ceph orch apply -i 3-mons.yaml

This will result in:

$ sudo ceph orch ls
mon                                 3/3  65s ago    6s   count:3

Shutting down and restarting the VMs

Shutting down the VMs with vagrant halt then re-starting them at a later time with vagrant reload works with this solution.

RBD mappings/mounts and CephFS mounts on the ceph-client VM need to be re-created after re-starting.

Deleting the deployment

Ensure that you have the machines up and running when destroying the machines using vagrant destroy -f because only then the machines will be automatically unregistered at Red Hat.

Contacting the Project Maintainers, Contributing

NOTE: This repository has been configured with the DCO bot.

If you have any questions or issues you can create a new issue here.

Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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If you would like to see the detailed LICENSE click here.

# Copyright 2022- IBM Inc. All rights reserved
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT