
Workshop for Data and AI Sessions

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AI and Data Workshop

Workshop for Data and AI Sessions

Sign up

Before starting with the workshop, follow these instructions to sign up for a free Cloud Pak for Data account.

Data Lifecycle Workshop

Topic Presenter Contents
Data Lifecycle David Radley Video provided prior to workshop
Data Governance & Virtualization Nigel Jones - Trust your data
- Virtualize External Data
Data Transformation Prashant Slides
DataStage Flow Instructions
DataStage Flow Demo Video

AI Lifecycle Workshop

Topic Presenter Contents
Machine Learning Lifecycle Introduction Animesh Slides
Build, Deploy, and Run a Machine Learning Model (using Watson Studio) Christian Overview Slides
Step-by-Step Instructions
Demo Video
Build, Deploy and Run a Machine Learning Model (using AutoAI) Jim Slides
AutoAI instructions
AutoAI Demo Video
Automate the Machine Learning Lifecycle Tommy Slides
Pipeline Hands-on Instructions
Pipeline Demo Video
Monitor a model for quality and fairness Ted and Yi-Hong Slides
Notebook Instructions
OpenScale Demo Video
AIF360 Hands-on Instructions