- 6
How to install aspera-cli offline
#152 opened by xavierv79 - 1
Need advice to migrate from Aspera CLI version to Aspera CLI 4.20.0 to connect to
#183 opened by cph1c06 - 1
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- 1
- 1
Aspera CLI Config Error
#180 opened by kacem999 - 3
- 2
Is there a way to enable the "Completed: " message after an aoc files download ?
#181 opened by zx64bit - 0
4.20.0 preview generation failing
#177 opened by laurent-martin - 1
- 1
`ascli config preset set GLOBAL version_check_days 0` causes a bad config.yaml to be written
#175 opened by junkimu - 1
"aoc files browse" output format is inconsistent depending on the number of items in a folder
#173 opened by junkimu - 16
- 4
Shares : mkdir does not work
#147 opened by laurent-martin - 3
- 1
After changing the permissions of shares in asper shares, it shows an error called Insufficient permissions
#159 opened by blogsook - 5
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Unclear on how to upload files to Aspera Shares
#166 opened by 3millionminds - 6
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How to use ascli with Aspera cloud
#169 opened by xavierv79 - 1
Is Ascli compatible with proxy squid?
#170 opened by 2Jadmin - 1
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Feature Request - aoc options for files subcommand
#165 opened by ngenchi - 1
Support HTTP/2
#164 opened by dremerten - 29
Need Aspera transfer SDK binaries (asperatransferd, ascp, ascp4) for Linux/aarch64
#161 opened by snps-djigande - 3
Cannot start a new asperatransferd process if one already exists on Linux. On Windows this works.
#162 opened by snps-djigande - 3
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C++ based ascli capability
#150 opened by snps-djigande - 0
Aspera api C++ based utility to browse the content of a remote folder using shares v1
#160 opened by snps-djigande - 3
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API version v2 not supported, reverting to v1 during the Upload and download from ascli
#145 opened by xavierv79 - 5
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ascli package relocability
#151 opened by snps-djigande - 1
Needs example C++ using transfer spec V1 and directly the REST API of Shares
#155 opened by snps-djigande - 3
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Huge file uploads failing through Aspera Ruby CLI With "Insufficient permissions" Error
#133 opened by LikhitSankala - 5
Runtime error - unexpected last event type: INIT
#139 opened by lebedov - 5
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JRuby : use ServerSocket instead of Socket
#136 opened by laurent-martin - 7
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Error running the ascli config wizard command
#132 opened by MikeKenno - 6
wss transfer failing
#134 opened by dremerten - 3