
Cloudctl is a command line tool to manage Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASE)


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DEPRECATION NOTICE: The cloudctl case command is deprecated in favor of ibm-pak plugin. Support for them will be removed in a future release. More information is available at https://ibm.biz/cloudctl-case-deprecate.


Cloudctl is a command line tool to manage Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASEs)


  1. Download the gzipped tar archive for your OS from the assets in releases
  2. Download the corresponding .sig file for verification purposes

macOS example using curl:

curl -L https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz -o cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
curl -L https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sig -o cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sig

macOS example using wget:

wget https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sig

Linux x86-architecture example using curl:

curl -L https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz -o cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz
curl -L https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sig -o cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sig

Linux x86-architecture example using wget:

wget https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak-cli/releases/latest/download/cloudctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sig

Check Certificate/Key Validity and Archives


Extract the archive:

  • tar -xzf <archive-name>

There should be a binary executable after extraction

For macOS Catalina users

Users on macOS Catalina might be prompted that cloudctl-darwin-amd64 is not a trusted application. There are two ways to get around this:

  • Open Finder, control-click the application cloudctl-darwin-amd64, choose Open from the menu, and then click Open in the dialog that appears. Enter your admin name and password to open the app if promoted.

  • Enable developer-mode for your terminal window, which will whitelist everything:

    • Open Terminal, and enter:
      spctl developer-mode enable-terminal 
    • Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy Tab -> Developer Tools -> Terminal : Enable
    • Restart all terminals

See https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT202491 for more information


To report an issue or get help please visit https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cpfs?topic=support-opening-case