
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ECX Client

This project aims to build a Python client for Catalogic Software's ECX product.

This repo holds two components.

  • An SDK that can be used by anyone interested in integrating ECX operations in their workflow.
  • A command line utility with which ECX operations can be performed.


$ pip install ecxclient


$ ecxcli --help

# This connects to ECX on localhost.
$ ecxcli --user admin --passwd <PASSWORD> job list

# To connect to a different host. Default user is "admin".
$ ecxcli --url --passwd <PASSWORD> job list


  • After a successful login, the command "remembers" the login session so there is no need to pass user name and password with every run.

Known Issues

  • When "https" URL is used, there are some warnings displayed on the console. We need to find a way to get rid of them.
  • Need to add job session cleanup actions to the JobAPI