
codebase release for EMNLP2023 paper publication

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repo includes the codebase and dataset releases for the following EMNLP2023 paper:

Ensemble-Instruct: Instruction Tuning Data Generation with a Heterogeneous Mixture of LMs

The data set is given in data/ensemble-instruct.jsonl


  1. git clone https://github.com/IBM/ensemble-instruct

  2. cd ensemble-instruct

  3. Create a conda environment of your choice. Once such example would look like:

    conda create -y -p ./eienvs python=3.11

  4. Activate the conda environment conda activate ./eienvs

  5. Install the dependencies using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variable

This repo assumes that all of the LLM's are accessible from the following platform, which requires an access key:


And the access key can be set using the following command in your login shell: export BAM_API_KEY=xyz

All of the models used in our experiments can also be accessed from: huggingface models: https://huggingface.co/models

And you need to set the BAM_API_KEY to the access key of the platform of your choice

Ensemble Instruct

Step 0: In the repo directory, create a subdirectory sample, as shown below

mkdir sample

Synthetic intruction tuning data set acquisition comprises 5 steps:

Step 1: Instruction generation Instructions are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Instruction that requires input-output instances, which can be obtained with: scripts/gen_io_instruction.sh
  2. Instruction that require output only instances, which can be obtained with: scripts/gen_o_instruction.sh

Step 2: Instance generation

Instances are also divided into 2 categories:

  1. Input-output instances, which can be obtained with: scripts/gen_io_instance.sh
  2. Output only instances, which can be obtained with: scripts/gen_o_instance.sh

Step 3: Filtering out invalid instances

Not all of the generated instances are in valid format. So we select only valid instances with the script ensemble_instruct/sample_instances.py input output

Input-output instances and output only instances can be merged at this stage to proceed with output generation in the next step.

Step 4: Additional output generation

For output ensemble, we generate addition outputs given the instruction and (optional) input obtained in Steps 1 & 2, using flan-t5-xxl and flan-ul2 as follows:

  1. Output generation with flan-t5-xxl scripts/gen_output_flan-t5-xxl.sh
  2. Output generation with flan-ul2 scripts/gen_output_flan-ul2.sh

Step 5: Ensemble Instruct

We apply ensembling of 3 sets ouf outputs generated in Step 2 and Step 4 to select high quality output as the final output, which can be obtained with


Putting all things together

The following script run all of the 5 steps in one pipeline:


All of the intermediate outputs can be found in the directory: sample/

The final ensembled output is: sample/openei.ensemble


@inproceedings{ensemble-instruct2023, \
  title={Ensemble-Instruct: Instruction Tuning Data Generation with a Heterogeneous Mixture of LMs},\
  author={Lee, Young-Suk and Sultan, Arafat and El-Kurdi, Yousef and Naseem, Tahira and Munawar, Asim and Florian, Radu and Roukos, Salim and Astudillo, Ramon}, \
  journal={Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023}, \


gen_instruction.py and gen_instances.py are adapted from bootstrap_instruction and generate_instances respectively. seed_tasks.jsonl is an exact copy of seed_tasks