
Playbooks for validating a Kubernetes persistent storage for IBM Cloud Paks

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Storage Validation Tool for IBM Cloud Paks

Kubernetes has gained a lot of momentum with storage vendors providing support on various container orchestration platforms with CSI drivers and other mechanisms.

It has become essential for platform administrators to quickly validate a storage platform for their modernized workloads on IBM Cloud Paks and check its readiness level.

This Ansible Playbook helps functionally validate a storage on ReadWriteOnce and ReadWriteMany volumes. Note that these tests covers readiness and are only meant to be a pre-cursor to a full blown test with actual Cloud Pak workloads.

Note that: if the tests in this storage readiness project are successful, it's strongly recommended that you continue to perform further performance tests on the storage by following this companion project at https://github.com/IBM/k8s-storage-perf, and perform the tests provided there. It will give you a good assessment of the particular storage performance.

The following tests are performed:

  • Dynamic provisioning of a volume
  • Mounting volume from a node
  • Sequential Read Write Consistency from single and multiple nodes
  • Parallel Read Write Consistency from single and multiple nodes
  • Parallel Read Write Consistency across multiple threads
  • File Permissions on mounted volumes
  • Accessibility based on POSIX compliance Group ID Permissions
  • SubPath test for volumes
  • File Locking test


  • Ensure you have python 3.6 or later and pip 21.1.3 or later installed

    python --version

    pip --version

    NB: if your python interpreter is using python3 or python37 or other Python 3 executables, you can create a symlink for python using this command

    ln -s -f /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
    # OR depends on the Python 3 installation location
    ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python

    NB: if pip is not available or is an older version, run the command below to upgrade it, and then check its version again. If pip command can't be found after the below command, add /usr/local/bin into your PATH ENV variable.

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip

  • Install Ansible 2.10.5 or later

    pip install ansible==2.10.5

  • Install ansible k8s modules

    pip install openshift

    ansible-galaxy collection install operator_sdk.util

    ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core

    NB: the openshift package installation requires PyYAML >= 5.4.1, and if the existing PyYAML is an older version, then PyYAML's installation will fail. To overcome this issue, manually delete the exsiting PyYAML package as below (adjust the paths in the commands according to the your host environment):

    rm -rf /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/yaml
    rm -f  /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyYAML-*
  • Install OpenShift Client 4.6 or later based on your OS.

  • Access to the OpenShift Cluster (at least 3 compute nodes) setup with RWX and RWO storage classes with cluster admin access.


  • Clone this git repo to your client
  git clone https://github.com/IBM/k8s-storage-tests.git
  • Update the params.yml file with your OCP URL and Credentials

     ocp_url: https://<required>:6443
     ocp_username: <required>
     ocp_password: <required>
     ocp_token: <required if user/password not available>
  • Update the params.yml file for the required storage parameters

    storageClass_ReadWriteOnce: <required>
    storageClass_ReadWriteMany: <required>
    storage_validation_namespace: <required>

Running the Playbook

  • From the root of this repository, run:
  ansible-playbook main.yml --extra-vars "@./params.yml" | tee output.log

If the playbook fails to run due to SSL verification error, you can disable it by setting this environment variable before running the playbook


Running the Playbook with the Container

Environment Setup

export dockerexe=podman # or docker
export container_name=k8s-storage-test
export docker_image=icr.io/cpopen/cpd/k8s-storage-test:v1.0.0

alias k8s_storage_test_exec="${dockerexe} exec ${container_name}"
alias run_k8s_storage_test="k8s_storage_test_exec ansible-playbook main.yml --extra-vars \"@/tmp/work-dir/params.yml\" | tee output.log"
alias run_k8s_storage_test_cleanup="k8s_storage_test_exec cleanup.sh -n ${NAMESPACE} -d"

Start the Container

mkdir -p /tmp/k8s_storage_test/work-dir
cp ./params.yml /tmp/k8s_storage_test/work-dir/params.yml

${dockerexe} pull ${docker_image}
${dockerexe} run --name ${container_name} -d -v /tmp/k8s_storage_test/work-dir:/tmp/work-dir ${docker_image}

Run the Playbook


Optional Cleanup the Cluster


[INFO ] running clean up for namespace storage-validation-1 and the namespace will be deleted
[INFO ] please run the following command in a terminal that has access to the cluster to clean up after the ansible playbooks

oc get job -n storage-validation-1 -o name | xargs -I % -n 1 oc delete % -n storage-validation-1 && \
oc get pvc -n storage-validation-1 -o name | xargs -I % -n 1 oc delete % -n storage-validation-1 && \
oc get cm -n storage-validation-1 -o name | xargs -I % -n 1 oc delete % -n storage-validation-1 && \
oc delete ns storage-validation-1 --ignore-not-found && \
oc delete scc zz-fsgroup-scc --ignore-not-found

[INFO ] cleanup script finished with no errors

Verifying your results

Regardless of whether you run the Playbook or use the Container, on a successful run, you should see the following output:

 ######################## MOUNT TESTS PASSED FOR ReadWriteOnce Volume  #################################
 ######################## MOUNT TESTS PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume  #################################
 ######################## SEQUENTIAL READ WRITE TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteOnce Volume ###################
 ######################## SEQUENTIAL READ WRITE TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume ###################
 ######################## SINGLE THREAD PARALLEL READ WRITE TEST PASSED for ReadWriteOnce ##############
 ######################## SINGLE THREAD PARALLEL READ WRITE TEST PASSED for ReadWriteMany ##############
 ######################## MULTI NODE PARALLEL READ WRTIE TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteOnce #################
 ######################## MULTI NODE PARALLEL READ WRTIE TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany #################
 ######################## FILE UID TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume ################################
 ######################## FILE PERMISSIONS TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume ########################
 ######################## FILE PERMISSIONS TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteOnce Volume ########################
 ######################## SUB PATH TEST PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume ################################
 ######################### FILE LOCK TESTS PASSED FOR ReadWriteMany Volume #############################
 PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
 localhost                  : ok=109  changed=42   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=7    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Clean-up Resources

Delete the kuberbetes namespace that you created in Setup, you can also run these commands to clean up the resources in the namespace

oc delete job $(oc get jobs -n <storage_validation_namespace> | awk '{ print $1 }') -n <storage_validation_namespace>
oc delete cm $(oc get cm -n <storage_validation_namespace> | awk '{ print $1 }') -n <storage_validation_namespace>
oc delete pvc $(oc get pvc -n <storage_validation_namespace> | awk '{ print $1 }') -n <storage_validation_namespace>
oc delete scc zz-fsgroup-scc


oc delete project <storage_validation_namespace>
oc delete scc zz-fsgroup-scc