Improving interpretability of schemas in error messages
jsntsay opened this issue · 2 comments
jsntsay commented
Almost all study participants were not able to interpret schema returned in error task. Should add some level of assistance or prose to help interpretation.
Example error message:
ValidationError: Invalid configuration for LinearSVC(penalty='l1', loss='hinge') due to constraint the combination of penalty=`l1` and loss=`hinge` is not supported.
Schema of constraint 1: {
"description": "The combination of penalty=`l1` and loss=`hinge` is not supported",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "object", "properties": {"penalty": {"enum": ["l2"]}}},
"type": "object",
"properties": {"loss": {"enum": ["squared_hinge"]}},
Value: {'penalty': 'l1', 'loss': 'hinge', 'dual': True, 'tol': 0.0001, 'C': 1.0, 'multi_class': 'ovr', 'fit_intercept': True, 'intercept_scaling': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'verbose': 0, 'random_state': None, 'max_iter': 1000}
hirzel commented
One idea would be to print the RST markup that we generate for the constraint in the docstring, like this:
union type
The combination of penalty=`l1` and loss=`hinge` is not supported
- penalty : ‘l2’
- loss : ‘squared_hinge’