- 5
Requirement: numpy<2.0.0
#1375 opened by josk0 - 0
DOC: add examples in lale.lib.snapml.rst
#1368 opened by rootsmusic - 2
DOC: demo videos
#1367 opened by rootsmusic - 5
DOC: environment requirements
#1366 opened by rootsmusic - 1
Move to tensorflow 2.
#639 opened by kiran-kate - 0
Lale default install issues with Python 3.8
#688 opened by mfeffer - 1
Clean-up github actions setup
#620 opened by kiran-kate - 1
redirect Lale autogen to lale.lib.sklearn where overlap
#1123 opened by hirzel - 4
reuse common schemas in lale.lib.sklearn
#619 opened by hirzel - 1
- 1
- 3
Snap ML version comparison broken for `snapml==1.10.0`
#1238 opened by tdoublep - 1
Missing dependency (on packaging)
#1078 opened by tdoublep - 1
- 1
sklearn version
#1124 opened by mandel - 1
Coverage removal
#945 opened by thomasrockhu-codecov - 1
test suite for hyperparameter optimizers
#931 opened by shinnar - 1
Customize_schema or get_param_ranges do not parse `AnyOf(types=[Bool(), Null()], default=Null())` correctly.
#837 opened by kiran-kate - 2
Handle Project producing zero columns
#912 opened by hirzel - 1
Update to newest Hyperopt
#879 opened by hirzel - 0
Update instructions for contributors
#768 opened by hirzel - 0
Add a test case to to do fairness mitigation
#867 opened by kiran-kate - 0
test epic
#856 opened by kiran-kate - 0
- 0
schema validation for bare sparseness constraint
#838 opened by hirzel - 1
Ridge and RidgeClassifier schemas for sklearn >1.0 need to set `forOptimizer` to False for normalize.
#829 opened by kiran-kate - 1
Add support for predict params
#771 opened by shinnar - 0
add support for fit params to pipelines
#772 opened by shinnar - 2
- 2
- 2
Operator parameter constraint link
#722 opened by jsntsay - 2
Suggest hyperparameter changes during errors
#726 opened by jsntsay - 1
- 0
- 1
Add/generate examples for operators
#721 opened by jsntsay - 0
Elide operator file name from documentation
#732 opened by hirzel - 1
StackingClassifier and StackingRegressor
#655 opened by hirzel - 1
Links in visualize() should open a new window
#723 opened by jsntsay - 0
- 1
- 0
Improve error message for missing ConcatFeatures
#663 opened by hirzel - 2
Make parameter names in consistent with json schema parameters names.
#648 opened by kiran-kate - 5
- 0
AutoPipeline predict_proba and roc_auc score.
#642 opened by hirzel - 1
- 4
module resolution issue in pretty_print()
#622 opened - 1
- 1
- 0
#601 opened by hirzel - 0