Github Template that uses TypeScript with Node.js to create a BFF or Microservice API with Open API Specification
- Alxzu@rootstrap
- arifintahuS16
- azuzardThai
- CNTRSMurcia
- D-nDevwill bank
- danielivanovzDigital Science
- dark4eg
- DaxSoftFreelancer
- ellcontreras@Kushki
- epavanelloItaly
- esnekoLatvia
- Fomin2402Warsaw
- haully@OmniChat
- henriques4nti4goFortaleza, Brazil
- libbyyounh
- mkessySeattle
- navono
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- oguzhanerenTrendyol
- petr-kratkyIBM
- prafullkotecha
- qwexs
- sachith95
- shawel
- shperAlibaba
- tallesmmarques
- tansionlineolymposlabs
- tefiggins@IBM
- ThiagoNelsi@DigitalHouseBrasil
- thisudoriguynigeria
- tomjpTokyo
- tommywong-finddoc
- toridorivRipley
- unhingedmagikarpLondon, United Kingdom
- vicasasRipley Chile
- yzld2002@landing-ai