
Could we add an event to the worklfow docs

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Could we add an event for push on main branch to the workflow that generates the Documentation ?


This would solve my issue : #92

cin commented

Right now, the docs are only updated on release. This ensures the docs are in sync with the latest release. However, I see your point in that we have some docs that are currently out of date. I'm actually not sure what the best practices are for this topic. I'm really just waiting on the prometheus exporter PR to be merged before tagging a new release. I just knew both PRs were in the works but didn't want to create a tag for each. I'll do some poking around and see how others handle this situation.

cin commented

Since we don't version docs or publish them as an asset on tag, publishing the docs on push to main (and release) actually makes more sense.

Okay thanks

cin commented

Resolved by #92