- 2
Querstion about cache invalidation
#113 opened by pasztorl - 3
Enquiry about project status and ownership
#111 opened by grant-zietsman - 2
Exposing container lifecycle and pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds configuration in VarnishCluster CRD
#109 opened by lucasreed - 3
Need to add annotations to varnish cluster spec
#110 opened by iahmad-khan - 3
Varnish 7.2.0 is out
#82 opened by shveik - 0
Varnish operator contxet deadline exceeded error
#108 opened by iahmad-khan - 4
Varnish Cluster using sharding director ?
#104 opened by arthurzinck - 3
#102 opened by RAFFENNEvalentin - 6
Cert issue
#101 opened by RAFFENNEvalentin - 3
Add Priority Class to VarnishClusters Pod
#97 opened by arthurzinck - 5
Could I separate registry/repository:tag override for VarnishClusters Object ?
#90 opened by arthurzinck - 4
[Question] Configuring backend from Service (ExternalName) or with ext ip:port
#84 opened by kmathewmk - 14
- 7
- 4
Regression in 0.34.1 (#87 ?)
#94 opened by NITEMAN - 5
Could we add an event to the worklfow docs
#91 opened by arthurzinck - 1
Could we separate Image/tag override ?
#86 opened by arthurzinck - 5
Build for arm
#81 opened by tszyszko - 0
- 6
Is it possible to use PROXY protocol?
#75 opened by jsobiecki - 1
Publish release info to icm-questions
#38 opened by cin - 2
Default entrypointVCLFileContent issues
#78 opened by NITEMAN - 9
Add value to specify nodePort
#71 opened by uqix - 2
Upgrade PodDisruptionBudget version
#46 opened by tomashibm - 1
varnish.resources not applied
#72 opened by uqix - 5
Container restart loses connectivity to backends
#67 opened by phoolish - 0
Omit non-ready backends
#68 opened by cin - 3
Verify the varnish cluster has to be installed in the same namespace as the backends
#52 opened by cin - 5
- 4
- 0
Migrate to ginko2?
#43 opened by cin - 0
Missing VarnishCluster config
#37 opened by allen-servedio - 3
Storage Backends for Varnish
#56 opened by hsawhney09 - 7
- 2
Standard installation doesn't work
#49 opened by tebaly - 3
- 16
- 0
Don't return from VCL discard failure
#35 opened by cin - 0
Unauthorized when leader election enabled
#33 opened by kscharm - 0
Add support for backends that require SSL
#32 opened by cin - 5
Migrate from helm v2 to helm v3
#6 opened by arthurzenika - 1
Varnish dashboard typo -- sleep sleep
#28 opened by cin - 0
Stop attempting to delete VCLs that do not exist
#29 opened by kscharm - 2
- 1
Update versions of various components
#8 opened by cin - 0
- 0
Create title override for Grafana dashboard
#15 opened by kscharm - 0
Make grafana dashboard name unique
#16 opened by kscharm - 0
Fix integer conversion bug with k8s < v1.20.0+
#13 opened by kscharm - 2
Look into naming of PR based Helm charts
#4 opened by cin