Watson Machine Learning sample models, notebooks and apps.
- amroakmalEgypt
- artem-minin
- ASIF-Mahmud1Opinosis Analytics
- Aurora1024
- biancaamorimeloIBM
- DCalvacheBBogotá, Colombia
- djhardcore007New York
- elainec728
- ericmartensIBM
- fadynabil10Egypt
- giuliaciardiAvanade
- gratuxriStuttgart
- greg-wareAntibes, France
- hjavierghCompumillenium S.A.
- jaketuricchiUniversity of Leeds
- jkafrouniNew York, NY
- jppgksPredibase
- kkojTokyo,Japan
- lopes-andreOpwell
- LopeWaleUSA
- lpsampleIBM
- MaxCodeXTCDeepCloud Inc.
- mirianfsilva@IBMResearch | @ufmg
- Natalie-Caruana
- oezguensiIBM
- rich-nietoIBM
- rubuntu
- SAMeh-ZAGhloulABCD
- SarahHannes
- shashankmanitPune, India
- shawnDEV-apple
- sshankarn
- ssuleyma
- upkarlidderSan Francisco
- vivian-chen010
- ZhuoyueLyuUniversity of Cambridge