This image contains the XL C/C++ for Linux, Community Edition compiler, it's installation dependencies, and some common development tools (vim-tiny, make, autoconf, automake).
For the details how this ibmcom/xlc-ce image was built, see xlc-community-edition-dockerfile.
Note: Before installing additional packages using apt-get, update the package lists using 'apt-get update'. This image is currently based on ppc64le/ubuntu:
FROM ppc64le/ubuntu:16.04
To run this image interactively:
docker run -ti ibmcom/xlc-ce
The entrypoint is a script that will interactively display the license text and then configure the compiler.
To automatically accept the license, add "-e LICENSE=accept" to your run command:
docker run -ti -e LICENSE=accept ibmcom/xlc-ce
You may also want to mount a directory that contains your source using -v. If your source is in /home/user/source, run:
docker run -ti -e LICENSE=accept -v /home/user/source:/source ibmcom/xlc-ce
Here is an example of using make to build an application at optimization level 3 (-O3), and then running it, in non-interactive mode:
docker run -e LICENSE=accept -v /home/user/source:/source --workdir /source ibmcom/xlc-ce bash -cx 'make CC=xlc CFLAGS=-O3 CXX=xlC CXXFLAGS=-O3 hello && ./hello'
+ make CC=xlc CFLAGS=-O3 CXX=xlC CXXFLAGS=-O3 hello
xlC -O3 hello.cpp -o hello
+ ./hello
Hello C++ World!
Documentation can be found in the XL C/C++ for Linux documentation library, product information can be found at XL C/C++ for Linux.
XL C/C++ Community Edition is a no-charge product (unlimited license for production use) and does not include official IBM support.
You can provide feedback at the XL on POWER C/C++ Community Edition forum.
All contributions to xlc-community-edition-dockerfile require a comment in the pull request to indicate you accept the terms in DCO.1.1.txt (example below):
DCO 1.1 Signed-off-by: Ray Kivisto rkivisto at
The Dockerfile is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
XL C/C++ Community Edition is licensed under the International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs.